Problematic habits

For example, body image is a big thing in our society. The way people view themselves vs how they actually look or trying to make their bodies look a certain way to fit societal standards. Multiple disorders are linked to people wanting to make their body look a certain way such as bulimia, anorexia, body dysphoria, ect. These types of disorders could even lead into side disorders such as depression which could ultimately lead to suicide. Body image is “a major predictor of relapse in both anorexia and bulimia nervosa; patients who do recover report that body image is one of the major impediments to lasting change. The most challenging problem is how to affect lasting change in body dissatisfaction among those with eating disorders (Garner 1).” Seeing our body image in a negative light or seeing ourselves in a negative light can lead to detrimental effects. Within the story you see the absolute struggle the girls go through. With stories like this and with these different disorders you wonder whether its us that needs to conform to various cultural requirements or if we need to try and push for a change to not feel as pressured as a society.