Overcoming the Challenges

Studies have been done to examine how to help get through these challenges and I see a parallel within the story on how they got through to start creating new habits. In my research one of the things that helps people fight their natural tendencies and start something new and better for them is to “Surround Yourself With Supporters the people around us has a surprisingly big impact on our behavior. One study showed that if you have a friend who becomes obese, your risk of obesity increases by 57 percent — even if your friend lives hundreds of miles away! (Edblad 1)” I thought this was very interesting, it is very important to surround yourself with people that will help you make a positive change in your life. We are social animals “Jim Rohn famously said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with (Groth 1).” If you take into consideration of these two findings is that these girls when they were put into an environment where they would all do the same things and were working towards the same goals, even though it was tremendously difficult for them they were able to make changes. If someone does the same and are truly working towards making an improvement to themselves and start creating good habits they have to surround themselves with people with the same love, passion, and drive as them.

Habits are not always good and sometimes are created from poor societal pressures or expectations. These girls were working towards habits and going through changes that were unnatural to them and they didn’t really want to work towards. This happens often within our society today. Societal pressures put unrealistic expectations on us as people. We are told to behave a certain way, look a certain way, dress a certain way, ect. And all these expectations and the way we are supposed to act are stemmed from the generation before us. Being told what is right for us or how we are supposed to be is taught to us by our parents and teachers. Sometimes we see problems stem from these expectations and become real problems.