
Welcome to the latest edition of our newsletter! In this issue, we'll be covering important library end-of-year dates,  READ Marathon - a reading challenge to complete over 26 days, tips for maintaining academic integrity, and where to find reliable resources for research needs.

Library End of Year Dates

                                                       READ Marathon

Starts on April 28th and ends on May 26th. 

Registering is a must so we know how many medals to prepare.

Teachers registration form

Students registration form

READ Marathon 2023

                Reliable Resources

The end of the year is quickly approaching, and you may already have a long list of end-of-course projects, IAs/IEs to complete, or your first draft of EE to write. As you work on these end-of-year requirements, it's important to remember that our library offers access to various valuable resources that can be useful to you. These resources are reliable that have been created by experts in the field and have undergone a rigorous process of review, editing, and fact-checking. These sources include scholarly articles, peer-reviewed journals, books, and reputable websites. Using reliable sources for research is essential because it ensures that the information you are using is accurate and up-to-date. This, in turn, helps you to build a strong argument and present a well-researched project. Additionally, using reliable sources gives credibility to your work.

Our library provides access to different research databases that contains articles, journals, and other resources that are organized and searchable. These databases are an excellent resource as they provide access to reliable, high-quality information that might not be available through a simple Google search.

Many research databases are also available through Maktaba (Abu Dhabi Public Libraries), you can access them for free by creating an account using your Emirates ID. These databases are typically organized by subject, making it easy for students to find relevant information for their projects.

By using reliable sources, students can ensure the accuracy and credibility of their work, and ultimately, achieve better grades. 

If you opt to use sources from the open web, make sure to check its credibility by following the guidelines below to assess its reliability. 

             Academic Integrity

The Academic Integrity Policy's Appendix 6 has been published by IB, which declares that AI software usage will not be prohibited. The article suggests that rather than prohibiting them, it is more practical to educate and guide students on how to utilize these emerging tools with ethics in mind. To read the complete article, click here.

For guidelines on citing generative AI tools in MLA style, see the entry on "How do I cite on generative AI in MLA Style?" from the official MLA style website. 

For queries and assistance, please contact the Librarian at a.parente_gaa@gemsedu.com

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