Designing Effective Multimedia & Multimodal Assignments

Session Description

During this panel discussion, faculty and graduate student instructors from a variety of disciplines will share best practices for designing, scaffolding, and assessing multimedia assignments and multimodal composition projects. Following short lightning talks, breakout room conversations will offer an opportunity for participants to dive more deeply into tips and tricks for engaging students through podcasting, video production, video games--and more! Attendees are encouraged to bring their own assignments and questions to share with the group.


  • Gigi Johnson, Academic Administrator, Music Industry Program

  • Marilyn Love, PhD Student, Near Eastern Languages & Cultures

  • Maja Manojlovic, Lecturer, Writing Programs

  • Bethany Schiffman, PhD Student, European Languages & Transcultural Studies

  • Kylie Thomsen, PhD Student, Near Eastern Languages & Cultures

  • Laurel Westrup, Lecturer, Writing Programs & Honors | Coordinator, Graduate Certificate in Writing Pedagogy

Session facilitated by: CAT

Workshop Goals / Learning Objectives

  • Gain an understanding of multimodal and multimedia projects and how they can be used in the classroom

  • Consider the advantages of these projects for different kinds of classes and learners

  • Learn about different approaches to scaffolding, skill stacking, and assessment for multimodal/multimedia projects

  • Consider what adjustments might be needed for the remote teaching context

  • Begin to develop multimedia projects that are appropriate for their particular course learning objectives

Session Materials

Couldn't attend? Check out the recording!

Please note: breakout rooms were not be recorded.

Slide Deck


View in browser--or download.
(To download, click on the slides to open in your browser. Then click the gear icon > click more > then download as Powerpoint.)

Breakout Room Share-Out

Google doc for breakout rooms

Checklist for Multimodal/Multimedia Assignment Design

Assignment Checklist

Use this document to plan a multimodal/multimedia assignment for your class

Sample Assignments and Course Design

Westrup Honors 37W Critical Remix assignment w annotations

Critical Remix (Honors 37W), with annotations

Laurel Westrup, Writing Programs and Honors Program

Schiffman Tale As Old As Time Final (Multimodal) Assignment

Tale as Old as Time (Clusters seminar), with annotations

Bethany Schiffman, European Languages & Transcultural Studies

Sample Multimodal Assignment_THOMSEN

Bridging the Past and Present, with annotations

Kylie Thomsen, Near Eastern Languages & Cultures

Research and Stacking - Gigi Johnson MSC IND

Research and Skill Stacking in Two Music Industry Classes

Gigi Johnson, Herb Alpert School of Music

Additional Resources

Podcast Resources_Working Version.pdf

Podcast Resources for Instructors (Kylie Thomsen)


Video & Podcast Resources for Students (Marilyn Love)

Note: You will need to be signed in to the library proxy to access this resource.


A Position Statement of Principles and Example Effective Practices for Online Writing Instruction (OWI)


Click image for PDF or title for link

RESOURCE_Effective Assignment Sequencing for Scaffolding Learning_UM Sweetland Center for Writing.pdf

Effective Assignment Sequencing for Scaffolding Learning (Sweetland Center for Writing, University of Michigan)

UCLA 2020 Fall Teaching Forum