Alternative Grading Methods

Session Leaders:

Rebecca Chhay, English PhD student

Brenda Wang, English PhD student

Taly Ravid, English PhD candidate

Jada Patchigondla, Writing Programs Lecturer

Session Description

In-Person Session: 348 Kaplan Hall

Online materials will be provided for those who cannot attend

Friday, May 20th, 11am-12pm PDT

In this workshop-style roundtable session, participants will have the opportunity to learn about alternative grading practices such as UNgrading, labor-based grading, anti-racist grading, and contract grading. We will also discuss our views, experiences, and anxieties about implementing them in the classroom. Table leaders will challenge traditional grading practices by presenting briefly on various anti-racist grading theories followed by discussion. Participants will have the option of bringing their syllabi and working on incorporating alternative grading strategies. Our hope is that participants will leave the session with a greater understanding of alternative grading methods.

For accessibility needs, please see our Accessibility Guide, created by Emily Frake.


Creating connections labor based example.docx

Labor-Based Grading Contract Example (Rebecca Chhay)

Annoated Sample Attention Based Grading Policies.docx

Annotated Attention-Based Grading Policy (Brenda Wang)

Creating Connections Symposium Presentation, Spring 2022

Grading Contract as a Work in Progress (Jada Patchigondla)


Ungrading Digital Resource

Ungrading Digital Resource (Becky King)


Revision Guidelines for Students (Rebecca Chhay)

Session Recording

Recordings will be available for 120 days after the event.

Alternative Grading Methods

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