During School Hours

Emergency Situations During School Hours

This section will assist you in providing immediate resources for  face-to-face as well as virtual students and families currently in crisis.  Please click on the buttons below for more information.  These resources are for use during school hours.

Child Abuse Reporting

If you have reason to believe a student is being or has been abused, you must contact CPS within 48 hours. Call 1-800-252-5400 or click on the button to go to the website.

Dallas Children's Advocacy Center is our county resource for conducting abuse investigations.  


Crisis Intervention Hotlines

Crisis Intervention Hotlines provide access to crisis hotlines for students and families.  Many hotlines can be accessed 24/7.  This list can be printed for students and families.  This list also provides information about mobile crisis units that can come to campus for assessments.  

Crisis Intervention
RPD CIT Flyer.pdf

Suicide Intervention Protocol

If a student has threatened to harm him or herself, please follow the RISD Suicide Intervention protocol provided in this packet.  Follow each step completely.

2021-2022 RISD Suicide Protocol Packet.pdf

If a student is NOT safe to go home, or a parent will not come pick up a student, CALL 911.