Final Number the Stars Read Aloud

We will finish the book this week! In your Google Classroom, continue to use the Reading Journal (assigned in Google Classroom) and make sure all sections are completed.

Look at the discussion questions before listening to help focus your listening.
Follow the Playlist for the different chapters on YouTube!
Number the Stars Playlist

After listening to the story, continue learning about this time in history by going through this final slideshow. Consider how Annemarie changed through the story and what caused her to change.

Wrap Up of Number the Stars

Nonfiction Reading - MyOn

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Read the articles posted each day starting on Monday, May 18th. Each day has about five articles. There are three questions at the end of each article. Make sure you answer them as best you can for each article that day. This will help us monitor your understanding.

There are also other bonuses to these articles such as having it read to you, reading it in Spanish, or even videos that go along with them. Enjoy learning about our world!

Watch for discussion questions in your Google Classroom!