Student Experience

Here are some comments from our past students with some examples of their work

"Maths is peculiar, frustrating, fun, interesting, confusing, difficult but most of all it’s rewarding. It is hard at times, there will always be something that seems impossible and something else that feels like childs play. However, the important thing is that you keep going. Determination and an unwillingness to give up is the most important thing I would say is required for A-level maths. Some days it feels as though you’re re-doing maths that you already know and other days it’s as if people are speaking gibberish. But with that determination and the support of peers and teachers that gibberish is translated. Surprisingly, maths is a social lesson as people work together to decipher problems and also people help one another much more than any other lesson I’m in. A-level maths is a bit of a whirlwind of emotions but honestly, I’d have it no other way - the accomplishment you feel after figuring out a complex problem is unparalleled" - Hannah

Maths work and revision notes  by Lyla

“Ask for help if and when you need it and make sure you focus more on topics that you don’t understand than those that you do”  - Eve

 "At the beginning of the year I struggled with maths and didn't think I could improve, but with a lot of hard work and determination I saw good results. You have to do a lot of work outside of lesson in order to do well. It is challenging but I enjoy it. Maths is viewed very well for apprenticeships and universities so it's a good choice" - Jamie

"Doing a maths A level has significantly improved my performance in other subject areas such as Physics" - Jake

"Maths as an A level is challenging in a very rewarding way.  All the work fits together nicely and as long as you stay on top of everything you never feel overwhelmed. My favourite part of the course was doing anything related to calculus which for most people will be a brand new concept." - Dan

Bethany's exercise book and revision cards

"My advice : maths isn’t as intimidating/difficult as you first believe so go with your instinct" - Anna

"Maths is a great subject but it is essential to keep up to date with the work and don't be afraid to ask questions whenever you are unsure of anything" - Abi (below)

“The staff are really friendly and are always there to help if you get stuck. A lot of first year content is the same as GCSE so the transition to A levels is much easier than you might expect. The workload is also pretty easy to balance as long as you use your frees and get homework done on time” - Ellie

Jessica's mindmap for Y1 pure maths

Anna's revision cards for trigonometry

"Next year I am planning to study biomedical sciences.  A level maths has really helped me develop my problem solving skills and also the statistics section has prepared me well for the maths I will do in my course" -  Natalie (right)

"I am planning to study Economics in September, hopefully at Bath University. My A level maths will help me because my course includes quite a bit of maths especially statistics which builds on stuff we have learnt at A Level" - Meg (left)