Preparing for A Level

To be successful at A level in mathematics you need to have really good algebraic skills. You may have wondered at GCSE level why it was so important to be able to expand brackets, factorise a quadratic, change the subject of a formula or be able to work with surds and index terms. These, along with other techniques, are the essential skills you need to have to be able to cope with the new topics you will meet in your study of A level maths, and further maths for those who are considering both.

Preparation for A level Mathematics quiz

Here are 20 questions on algebra for you to try. They are a mixture of multi-choice and short answer questions. It's probably worth getting some paper and a pen to do some working out on before you enter your answers.

Preparation for A level Further Maths quiz

Here are 10 questions on some of the harder GCSE higher topics for you to try. Like the maths quiz they are a mixture of multi-choice and short answer questions. Have a pen and paper and calculator ready to do your working on before you enter your answers.

Here are some examples of the different algebraic skills that are tested in the maths quiz.

If you've forgotten how to do them have a look at the examples to help you.

Brackets examples.pdf
Quadrtic equations factorising examples.pdf
Quad formula examples.pdf
Formulae examples.docx.pdf
Linear equations examples.pdf
Simultaneous Equations examples.docx.pdf
Fractions examples.docx.pdf

If you want to practise more of your GCSE skills that will be useful for A level then there are lots of resources available to you.

If your school subscribes to MathsWatch, MyMaths or HegartyMaths then you could use them for revision and practice.

There are also lots of free resources available, many of them being updated at regular intervals.

  • The Advanced Maths Support Programme (AMSP) are providing resources which are being updated each week

  • Corbett maths is a free resource which includes video tutorials and worksheets

  • Maths Genie Home School Support has weekly videos and online grader assessment

  • Mathed Up - higher GCSE revision