College Planning

College Planning

When should you start thinking about college?

NOW! Exploring colleges freshman, sophomore, and junior year will make the college admission process run more smoothly senior year. Check out our College Search page to begin exploring online, get on campus to visit some colleges each year, and find out what admission requirements are so you can be prepared.

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College Information

What do you think of when you imagine going to college? Most think of a four-year college or university. Although an excellent option, that's not the only type of school. The most common types are:

Private Colleges and Universities

Private schools rely on tuition, fees, and other private sources for funding.

    • Private schools most often offer bachelor's degrees (four year degrees), but some colleges also offer associate (two year degrees) and/or advanced degrees.

    • Private colleges and universities typically enroll less students than public universities, boasting smaller class sizes and more individual attention.

Find Iowa private schools.

Public Universities

Public universities get much of their funding from state government.

    • Public schools offer several levels of degrees (bachelor's, master's, and doctorate).

    • Universities are divided into several colleges such as the College of Business or the College of Engineering. Admission and graduation requirements vary by college within a university.

    • Generally, public universities are larger than private colleges and have larger class sizes.

Find Iowa public universities.

Community Colleges

Community colleges (also known as junior colleges) allow you to earn a degree, certificate, or diploma in two years or less.

    • Community colleges offer specialized occupational preparation along with associate degrees that can transfer on to a four year college or university.

    • Community colleges are known for being affordable and easily accessible. Any student with a high school diploma can be admitted.

    • Community colleges offer various sports and extracurricular activities and can offer athletic scholarships.

Find Iowa community colleges.

Business, Health Profession, and Technical Colleges

Specialized colleges train you for specific careers.

  • These schools may offer several levels of degrees and length of program will vary by major.

  • Technical colleges may be for-profit institutions.

Find Iowa technical schools.

College Planning

Additional Resources (NCAA Eligibility Center) (NAIA Eligibility Center) (Regent Admission Index) (Find out how college credits transfer to Iowa’s Regent Universities)