Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to submit in order to apply?

You will need to submit a Student Application (digital) and a paper Transfer Form (if Palm is not your home school). 

Palm is my home school.  Do I still need to complete a paper Transfer Form?

No, you do not

When is the application due? 

Deadline is:  Friday, March 15, 2024.

What are the expectations of the STEAM Academy? 

All students must meet all criteria in the STEAM Academy Contract.  By completing the application, you are acknowledging that you understand and agree to the conditions in the contract. 

How do I apply for the STEAM Academy? 

The Palm STEAM Academy Application requires the completion of two steps:

I started to fill in the application but submitted it before I was done.  Now, I cannot access the application.  What do I do? 

With the current Student Application form setup, students are only able to submit their application one time. So, let Dr. Ahmad (  know if you run into problems and need to reset so you can submit again!

I'm having trouble accessing the digital application.  Is there a paper one available?

If you'd rather just use a paper application please go to the Palm Middle School office and get a copy. Return completed paper student applications, and transfer forms (if needed) to the Palm office as well.

Is there a Spanish copy of the application?

Spanish applications are available in the Palm Middle School front office.

What if Palm is my home school, but I'm not accepted into the STEAM Academy?

You will still attend Palm, just not as part of Palm's STEAM Academy.