Sons and Daughters of Italy Scholarship
Deadline: April 1, 2025- Amount of scholarship $2500
· Scholarship is open to high school seniors of Italian American descent (at least one Italian or Italian-American parent or grandparent) who attend a nationally accredited high school in Horry County, South Carolina.
· Scholarship applicants must have a B (3.0/4.0 scale) grade point average over the first six semesters of high school (grades 9-11).
· Application process opens February 15 and ends April 1
· Award winner will be announced in May
· Required application materials:
o Most current unofficial transcript*
o Signed and dated application form
o Essay
o Two letters of recommendation from faculty
o Incomplete applications will not be reviewed
· Scholarship applicants will be evaluated on three criteria:
o 1) the quality of the student’s essay
o 2) the student’s academic achievement
o 3) recommendations
· Application can also be retrieved after March 1, 2025 at https://www.sonsofitalymb.com/scholarships/
· If you have any questions, please send email osia2662scholarship@gmail.com
AFA Teen Alzheimer’s Awareness Scholarship
Deadline: April 1, 2025-Amount of scholarship varies
Applicants for AFA’s 2025 Teen Alzheimer’s Awareness Scholarship must meet the qualifying guidelines:
1. Currently be a high school senior
2. Currently reside in the US as a citizen
3. Must attend an accredited college/university in the US immediately following high school graduation in 2025 (no gap year/semester)
4. Entries are accepted from November 1st , 2024 at 12 noon EST. Deadline extended to April 1, 2025 at 5:00pm EST.
Submissions must meet the required formatting guidelines:
1. Submissions may be in either written essay format or video format. DO NOT SUBMIT BOTH. Duplicate submissions will be disqualified.
2. Written essay must not exceed 1500 words.
3. Video must not be longer than 4 minutes and must be submitted in an MPEG-4 format (mp4, m4v).
4. Submissions must be accompanied by a valid high school transcript (unofficial copy is acceptable).
All submissions (written or video) must answer these 3 questions:
1. How has Alzheimer’s disease changed or impacted your life?
2. What have you learned about yourself, your family, and/or your community in the face of coping with Alzheimer’s disease?
3. What are your plans to raise awareness in regards to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia?
Applicants or submissions which do not meet the outlined guidelines will be disqualified. Click link to apply: https://alzfdn.org/scholarship/afa-teen-scholarship-form/
DEADLINE: April 1, 2025
To apply for most of these scholarships, download the Scholarship Application or stop by any of the College's financial aid offices. There is only one scholarship application to complete in order to be placed in the pool of applicants for the scholarships you are eligible to receive. If further information is needed, you will be contacted by the financial aid staff. You must also have submitted the FAFSA to qualify. If you have any questions regarding a particular scholarship, please contact the College's Financial Aid office at (843) 349-5251.
In addition to state and federal aid programs, there are several other financial aid options available to HGTC students.
The Government Finance Officers Association of South Carolina Scholarships
Deadline: April 7, 2025 Award Amount: Varies
The Government Finance Officers Assocations of South Carolina (GFOASC) is a non-profit organization that promotes the professional development of its members by providing a forum for the exchange of information related to all aspects of government finance, and by recommending and supporting improvements to the financial administration of all governmental units in South Carolina. The membership includes employees of the State, City, and County Government, Colleges and Universities, and School Districts. By establishing and awarding a High School Student Scholarship, the GFOASC provides financial assistance to a student in a high school.
Willa S. Bellamy Scholarship – $2,000
Submission Deadline: The applications must be received on or before April 7, 2025.
Notification of Award: This scholarship will be awarded by May 1, 2025.
Founding Fathers Scholarship – $1,500
Submission Deadline: The applications must be received on or before April 7, 2025.
Notification of Award: This scholarship will be awarded by May 1, 2025.
Presidents Scholarship – $1,250
Submission Deadline: The applications must be received on or before April 7, 2025.
Notification of Award: This scholarship will be awarded by May 1, 2025.
To submit your scholarship, download the application above, obtain information and sign. You can submit your application by mail or send a pdf file by email.
GFOASC Mailing Address:
PO Box 80549, Charleston, South Carolina 29416
SCCAWS Women's Sports Scholarship
Deadline: April 11, 2025-Amount of scholarship $1,000
South Carolina Coaches Association of Women’s Sports and Trophies by “M” Scholarship - $1000.00 scholarship to an enrolling female college freshman planning to major in the medical field.
South Carolina Coaches Association of Women’s Sports Educator’s Scholarship - $1000.00 scholarship to an enrolling female college freshman planning to major in education. An additional $1000.00 scholarship is awarded from these applications for a Female Scholar-Athlete.
Applications are to be returned complete and in order according to the page number.
Should you have questions about the scholarship program, please feel free to call Amy Boozer, SCCAWS Executive Secretary-Treasurer, at (803-240-5795) or email: amy_caws@yahoo.com
Recipients of the scholarships will be notified by CAWS and will be recognized at the Player of Year banquet in June.
Please visit the SCCAWS website to download the two scholarship application forms at: https://www.southcarolinacaws.org/
Please return your completed application to Mrs. Meehan in the main office no later than 3pm on April 11, 2025
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Conway Scholarship
Deadline: April 11, 2025- Amount of scholarship $1,000
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is a private, international public service sorority comprised of more than 200,000 predominately African-American, college-educated women. Since its founding in 1913 on the campus of Howard University in Washington, D.C., Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. has established itself as an organization that seriously considers the issues impacting the Black community and boldly confronts the challenges of African Americans and, hence, all Americans.
CAC is currently seeking applicants for its Public Scholarship. The chapter will award $1000 scholarships to talented African American female students who are graduating high school seniors in 2025. Thank you for taking the time to review the scholarship information. All applicants interested in the scholarship award must write a 100-150-word essay; must meet delineated criteria; and must complete and electronically submit the application packet, including all supporting documentation, by April 11, 2025. Letters of recommendation and transcripts must also be attached to the application and received by this deadline.
Who May Apply (applicants must meet ALL criteria):
Δ African American female student
Δ High school senior who graduates in Spring 2025
Δ Horry County resident Δ United States citizen
Δ Shows evidence of scholastic achievement, leadership abilities, and community service
Δ Plans to attend an accredited college or university beginning Fall 2025
Scholarship Application Deadline: April 11, 2025
How to Apply:
Submit a complete electronic application by April 11, 2025, with all the necessary documents attached which includes the following:
Δ Electronic Application
Δ Essay of 100-150 words expressing your personal values, ambitions, and financial need for the scholarship. Please make sure you check your spelling, grammar, and word count. Δ Letter of recommendation from a teacher
Δ Letter of recommendation from a guidance counselor
Δ Official transcript
Δ Headshot of yourself
Please note: Additional documents should be uploaded into the electronic application form.
Contact Information:
Please forward all questions and concerns to: Valerie McNeill, Scholarship Committee Chair E-Mail: conwaydstscholarship@gmail.com Phone: 843-855-9289
Democratic Women's Council of Horry County Scholarship
Deadline: April 11, 2025- Amount of scholarship $1,500 (2)
The Democratic Women’s Council of Horry County (DWCHC) is sponsoring an Essay/Video Contest with two $1,500 college scholarships for the winning essays or videos.
The 2025 scholarship contest topic is: To what extent should our government, a Democratic Republic, be involved in the personal lives of its citizens? Provide specific examples connecting your personal life.
1. LENGTH: Essay submissions should be between 1,000 words and 1,500 words. Video submissions should be a maximum of 5 minutes in length (+/- 30 seconds), minimum of 2 minutes.
2. Do NOT include a self introduction in the essay or the video.
3. Entries must be received by April 11, 2025.
● Proof of Horry County SC residency, which may include a SC driver’s license, state issued ID or SC voter ID card (free to registered voters at the Horry County Voter Registration and Elections Office)
● Essay as PDF or video file as mp4; each applicant may submit only one essay or video for consideration.
5. Applicants will add their guidance counselor’s name to the application.
6. Qualified applicants must:
○ be a graduating public high school senior
○ be a registered voter of Horry County or scheduled for High School graduation by June 2025
○ provide proof of residency (for applicants under the age of 18) at time of submission
7. Applicant agrees to allow the publication of the essay, photos and videos of the winners at the discretion of the DWCHC via social media, print and electronic media.
8. The essay or video will be judged using a scoring rubric (essay or video) provided for student reference on the DWC website: dwchc.com/scholarships.
9. The winning essayists or videographers must provide a copy of their college/university acceptance letter. The scholarship award will be issued to the winning applicant.
10. The winning essayists or videographers agree to provide an update of their college success to the Democratic Women’s Council after the first semester and at the end of their freshman year.
Rules and Criteria: https://www.dwchc.com/rules-criteria
Online application: https://tinyurl.com/47usyk2s
Low Country Herb Society Scholarship
Deadline: April 14, 2025-Amount of scholarship $1,000
The Low Country Herb Society, a group whose purpose is to stimulate an increased awareness and knowledge of herbs, to sponsor and cultivate related herb programs in the community and to gain knowledge and stimulate interest in the planting, harvesting and uses of herbs, is pleased to offer two $1000 scholarships to students living within Horry and Georgetown counties. To be eligible students should show an interest in herbs and their uses and intend to pursue a career path that will involve herbs. The scholarships will be awarded to students who plan to attend two/four- year colleges or accredited technical institutions and to study horticulture, landscaping, culinary arts, medicine, pharmacy, or related field programs. LCHS is also offering one $500 award to a student who will enroll in the Horry Georgetown Technical College culinary program in the fall.
Graduating seniors may apply by submitting a short essay describing their future career plans, program of study and interest in herbs.
Essays should be turned into Mrs. Meehan's office by 3pm Monday, April 14, 2025.
Tidelands Health Scholarship
Deadline: April 14, 2025-Amount of scholarship $1,000
As our region's largest health care provider, Tidelands Health is dedicated to the wellbeing of our community and assisting our region's youth with achieving their educational goals. To that end, we are offering $1,000 scholarships to four graduating seniors planning to pursue a degree in Health Science or a related field in the Fall of 2025.
Who can apply?
High school seniors graduating spring of 2025 from a school in Williamsburg, Georgetown, or Horry county in South Carolina who intend to pursue a health-related degree in the fall may apply. Applicants must have a 3.0 GPA or above and provide information about their school and community involvement, as well as a copy of their transcript (an unofficial transcript is permissible).
Eligible South Carolina Counties
How to apply
To apply for our Class of 2025 Scholarship, please click the link, complete the application, and submit.
Deadline To Apply: April 14, 2025
Please submit questions to Ashley Odom at aodom@tidelandshealth.org
Grand Strand Running Club
Deadline: April 15, 2025- Amount of scholarship: (2) $1,000 awards
Each year the GSRC offers two scholarships to Horry County Seniors, (one male and one female).
Applicants must provide:
Completed Application Form
Coach's Letter of Verification and signed Certification
Copy of Official High School Transcript
TWO Completed Recommendation Forms
Scholarship Requirements:
Must attend a Horry or Georgetown County High School
Must have a minimum 2.5 GPA
Must be a member of his/her cross country team, track team, and/or involved in non-school sponsored running events
Must be active in the community, such as volunteering at races, scouts, church groups, work, etc.
Must be involved in other extra-curricular activities at school (clubs, organizations)
Must demonstrate leadership qualities, as indicated by letters of recommendation by two-non family members
Written essay, 250 words or less (see application for essay prompt)
The NEA-Retired Jack Kinnaman Scholarship Fund
Deadline: April 15, 2025-Amount of scholarship $1,000
This scholarship was established in honor of Jack Kinnaman, the then-serving NEA-Retired Vice President. At his demise, the family wished to establish a scholarship program in his honor, thus beginning a much needed assistance activity for worthy aspiring educators. In the first year of the program in 2002, a scholarship of $1,000 was awarded to one recipient. As Retired members have continued to generously donate, the amount has greatly increased to five scholarships of $3,500 each. To be considered for this award, Aspiring Educators must submit an application.
Click to apply: https://www.nea.org/resource-library/jack-kinnaman-scholarship
The MACWIN Waccamaw Region Scholarship
Deadline: April 15, 2025-Amount of scholarship varies
The MACWIN Waccamaw Region Scholarship (Horry, Georgetown and Williamsburg Counties), sponsored by Marjorie Coakley McIver and Dr. Winston McIver, Jr., is open to applicants who will be graduates of accredited high schools in the Waccamaw Region of South Carolina. This year, five (5) scholarships will be awarded, one of which will be awarded annually to an applicant who is a family member of a victim of the Emanuel 9 tragedy.
It is our intent that all eligible students receive an application and have equal opportunity in the selection process. Therefore, we ask that you do your part and submit the completed application in a timely manner. Hardcopies of applications may be obtained from high school guidance counselors, church secretaries, or designated contact persons, or students may choose to access the application online. Online application can be completed and submitted online at the following web address: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfLnoLdEGJHIx-g9wjNXnJ58qyotpbw67ZQwPwvFcVX6OZXVA/viewform
Should you have questions or concerns, please contact Marjorie C. McIver at (843) 907-1406 or mcmciver@sccoast.net
Student-View College Scholarship Program
Deadline: April 23, 2025 - Award Amount: Varies
Student Insights will award the following prizes: (Select your state below to apply)
One (1) individual prize of a $10,000 scholarship.
Two (2) individual prize of a $1,000 scholarship.
Three (3) individual prizes, consisting of $500 scholarships each
It is exceptionally easy to apply:
* NO minimum SAT or ACT score
* NO minimum grade point average
* NO lengthy, time-consuming paperwork
* NO essays
* NO application fees
Simply complete a 15-25 minute online survey about local colleges. You will then be automatically entered into a random drawing for a scholarship award.
Click here for States and More Info: https://www.student-view.com/ScholarshipWmap.html
The Brave at Heart Foundation Scholarship
Deadline: April 23, 2025-Amount of $500
The Brave at Heart Foundation announces their 2025 Scholarship Awards. This year’s program will offer $500 scholarships to graduating seniors attending Carolina Forest, Carvers Bay, Conway, Georgetown, Hemingway, Kingstree, Loris, Myrtle Beach, North Myrtle Beach, Socastee, St. James, and Waccamaw High School within the Horry County, Georgetown County, and Williamsburg County school districts. Other high school seniors within those school districts are also welcome to apply.
Program Guidelines & Priorities:
* Applicants must plan to attend, be enrolled, or accepted into a two (2)-year community college, four (4)-year college or university, or an accredited Trade School.
* Applicants must have obtained a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) their senior year.
* Applicants must submit a copy of their transcript to verify GPA. Applicants must meet at least two (2) of the additional requirements below: * Participated in High School athletics.
* Active in community service or volunteer work their senior year.
* Participated in other extra-curricular activities outside of class or sports.
* Completed SAT / ACT. * Be a working student.
See Mrs. Meehan in the main office for the application
OrthoSC Salut to Education Scholarship
Deadline: April 28, 2025-Amount of scholarship $1,000
At OrthoSC, we are honored to serve the Grand Strand community and love giving back. As part of our dedication to our community, a video competition is open to high school seniors and college students for an opportunity to be one of five students to receive a $1,000 scholarship.
Competition Details
Format: 60 – 90 second video
Topic: How will your future impact the community?
Participants: Open to high school seniors and college students
Deadline: Monday, April 28
Winners Announced: Starting Monday, May 5
Video Submission Details
Record in landscape (horizontal) view
State your full name in the video and also use your full name as the title of your video
Make sure to include:
What school you are attending now
Future school and plans
School photo, headshot, or still photo of you creating this video (will be used for winner announcement)
If under 18, you must provide your parent/guardian's name and contact information
Submit videos to scholarships@orthosc.org
Please use a file-sharing/transfer site such as WeTransfer, Sharefile, or Dropbox to submit your video
American Culinary Federation Scholarships
Deadline April 30, 2025-Amount of Scholarship $2,500
To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:
A) Be an exemplary student and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher.
B) Be currently accepted to the institution with a culinary, pastry or food service-related major.
Applications can be found by going to:
Deadline: April 30, 2025 - Award Amount: - $1,000
The Mildred H. Gerald Memorial Scholarship was established to honor the legacy of Mildred Hemingway Gerald, a lifelong educator and community service advocate.
Award: The scholarship is $1000 with funds being made to the recipient selected by the Gerald Scholarship Committee. This $1,000 scholarship is made available by the Moving Forward Carolina Foundation. Funds are presented directly to the eligible senior selected.
The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Southeast Chapter
Deadline: Must register to view (see website link below); Award Amount: $6,000
The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Southeast Chapter is dedicated to helping develop the next generation of television professionals. We're looking for students with an innovative vision and a commitment to excellence that will one day "earn an EMMY® Award!"
Scholarships total $6,000, including the "Evelyn Mims Journalist of the Future Scholarship."
All eligible students must be enrolled in a college or university during the 2024-2025 school year and plan to pursue a career in broadcast or digital media.