Special Education Services
Literacy & Numeracy Classes/Co-Teaching Model
The co-teaching model (inclusion of special needs students in the regular education environment) focuses on collaboration between special education teachers and academic teachers, recognizing learning diversity among students and providing modifications as necessary. The student must have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) on file which states services to be provided.
Literacy & Numeracy is an elective offered to help meet the needs of students who need improvement in math, reading, or written expression. It also provides support for regular education classes as needed. Use of the computers will provide interactive instruction, immediate feedback, and self-correction.
PMD/TMD Programs
The Profound Mentally Disabled (PMD) and Trainable Mentally Disabled (TMD) are self-contained programs blended with students who are non-verbal, non-mobile, or those who have limited verbal and comprehension skills. The curriculum for both classes is a functional daily living skills program that utilizes Unique Learning System based on core curriculum state standards using Smart Board Technology. Related services, as necessary, are also provided. The TMD class regularly participates in Special Olympics at the local and state level. The TMD program
works on daily living, social, vocational, community training, domestic, recreation, and functional academics. Job skills are also stressed through work from area businesses, AHS lunchroom, and other jobs. A mentoring program has also been established which involves peers throughout the school.
Cross-Categorical Self-Contained Program
This program serves students with (ID) Intellectual Disability, (LD) Learning Disability, Autism, (OHI) Other Health Impaired, and (ED) Emotional Disability. This program utilizes the Unique Learning System Curriculum. This curriculum is designed for multi-level instruction and includes interactive technology for both group and independent work. The ULS component provides life skills and transition planning and includes instruction in daily living, social, vocational and community training, recreation, and leisure skills. Students completing this program earn an attendance certificate with emphasis placed on the competencies and skills needed to prepare students for productive and independent living within today’s society. Students take courses in Language and Literacy, Numeracy and Budgeting, Home and Family and Health and PE. Students in this program have the opportunity to take electives based on their interest and ability.
South Carolina High School Credential
This program focuses on preparing students who will not receive an SC High School Diploma to graduate with employability, self-advocacy, and basic skills necessary to be successful on the job and in life. Students acquire functional academic skills that parallel the state standards, work experience, and job-seeking and retention skills for entry level employment and/or advanced education or training which will assist them in meeting the demands of the workforce.