Fayette County School Corporation

Technology Guiding Coalition

The true sustainability of digital learning comes from FCSC's investment in strategic planning and professional development with building leaders and teachers.

Relying on ISTE Standards, the Alliance for Excellent Education 5 step framework for Future Ready Action Plan, and State Education Technology Directors Association's (SETDA) Guide to Implementing Digital Learning, FCSC's Technology Guiding Coalition (TGC) reviews and refines our vision, goals, and plans for technology-supported learning experiences.

Comprised of administrators and teachers from all KG through 12 buildings, the TGC has monthly meetings facilitated by innovative learning specialists.

Upon the formation of the TGC, data points were collected for three groups of stakeholders: students, teachers and administrators. Two focus groups, a student group and a teacher group, participated in discussions with innovative learning specialists to put together a picture of current pedagogy practices with digital learning. Furthermore, informal classroom observations were conducted by specialists to supplement data points gathered during focus group discussions. Lastly, input was obtained via stakeholder specific surveys.

Data points were reviewed in a TGC workshop in preparation to review and revisit pedagogy, practice, and proficiency.

Practice and Proficiency Bar Charts

A review of learning goals and professional development plans concluded with the TGC setting targeted goals for learning experiences:

Learners Think, Exlpore and Connect with their learning

The TGC has "branded" #FCSCSpartanPride for social media and digital communication tools.


  • From the survey of stakeholders, data reflects the importance of furthering equitable, vertically-aligned implementation of digital learning in the intermediate grade levels by deploying more 1:1 devices.
  • From the survey of stakeholders, data reflects the importance of developing a plan for those households that have under-served broadband access at home.
  • Installation of a new high availability firewall to support increasing connectivity to the Internet.
  • Meet or exceed SETDA's recommendation for broadband access for schools to be at least 100 megabits per second per 1,000 students and staff in the short term.
  • Continue network infrastructure upgrades enabling all schools with 100% high speed WiFi coverage to prepare for increased use of mobile devices.