Why a book swap?

We LOVE doing a book swap at the end of the year for our Gators as we head into Summer! 

So many of us have books at home that we have read, maybe once or maybe a million times, but we are done with it now. This is an opportunity to pass those titles onto new readers.

We don't do an even exchange because our hope is to collect enough donations that EVERY student can select at least one book to take home for summer reading, even if they cannot donate. However, we cannot make that happen without LOTS of donations from our community!

To make sure we have enough types of books, donated picture books receive picture book credits and donated chapter books receive chapter book credits. Students can use up to the number of credits they earned. However, if you want to donate a LOT of picture books but your student does not need/want a lot of new picture books, we are happy to take unused credits to share books with other students!

Did you know that book ownership is shown to increase children's academic success, vocabulary development, attention and job attainment? We want that for ALL of our students.

Any books leftover at the end of the Book Swap will first be offered to teachers for classroom libraries and then donated. 

Thank you for helping to make our Book Swap a success with your donations. If you have any questions, reach out to Mrs. Holt at kholt@dentonisd.org