Meet Your Library Staff

Meet Mrs. Holt

Hello everyone! My name is Kathy Holt and I am thrilled to be your Savannah Elementary Librarian! This is my fifth year as a school librarian, and my sixteenth year in education. Previous to moving to the library I taught first and fourth grades right here at Savannah Elementary.  

I graduated magna cum laude from the University of North Texas in 2006 with a Bachelor's degree in Interdisciplinary Studies (otherwise known as elementary education). In 2012 I completed my graduate work at the University of Texas at Arlington where I earned a Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis on Literacy Studies. I am a certified Reading Specialist and continually strive to learn more about the craft of teaching to better myself as an educator. I completed my school librarian certification coursework back at UNT in the Summer of 2019. I am also an EdTech enthusiast who loves finding new, innovative ways to integrate technology into the learning experience.

My husband, James, and I have two beautiful children. Halyn is heading into her sophomore year at Braswell and Jensen will be a fifth grader here at Savannah. Our two kids are our everything! 

My family and I live here in the neighborhood. We love being a part of the 380 corridor community. We are blessed to have much of our family living in the North Texas area. We enjoy spending time with them, going to the lake, and playing board games together. I am also an avid reader!

I am so excited to meet each of you and cannot wait to see what all we will learn together this year!

~Kathy Holt :)