
What is Renaissance?

Sharla Gilhome & Candace Nornholm, RHS Sponsors 

Renaissance is a school-wide program which promotes the idea that every student who is successful in school should be recognized and rewarded. Renaissance is based on a national program established by Jostens. At RHS, the Renaissance program has various components made up of parents, PTSA, administrators, teachers and students; each playing an important role in the program at Ryan High School.

Renaissance encourages academic achievement, attendance, positive attitudes and positive behaviors through a system of rewards and recognition every month.

Each grading period, our Renaissance parent committee (a sub-committee of the PTSA) awards gift cards, certificates & local recognition to the students and staff honorees. They also provide a breakfast each semester for these honorees. Monthly awards are given to students and staff.  At the end of the year, Renaissance scholarships are available for seniors who validate all validations of their senior year (see requirements for validation on the Renaissance Website).

Renaissance at Ryan High School is a program that pulls in the parents, community, faculty, staff and students to ensure each person feels a part of the Ryan High School family.