TSIA2 Testing

This page is applicable to DC and Seniors needing TSIA2 for Texas  Public 4-year University and 2-year College

Anything underlined on this website is an active link.

College Readiness for Texas Public University or College

This page is applicable to DC and seniors needing the TSIA2 for Texas Public 4-year University and 2-year College.

Dual Credit: Many students qualify for Dual Credit based on their SAT, ACT, PSAT, or STAAR Score.  Please check to see if you qualify with those scores first. If not, please see the information below regarding TSIA2 testing to obtain DC eligibility.

Seniors: As a senior, how do I know if I have to take the TSIA2 Test?  - Video to help seniors determine if they need the TSIA2!

What is it? The TSIA2 measures college-level readiness in ELAR and Math. It is a placement test that determines whether a student is ready for college-level courses or developmental instruction is needed to strengthen academic skills to ensure success in college-level courses. Not all Texas college students have to take the TSIA2 test. If a student has met college readiness standards on the SAT/ACT or successfully completed a dual credit course, the student may be exempt. 

Why is it important? Here is a video that can help explain why preparing for the TSIA2 test is important. 

In the video below the TSIA2 test is explained.. the big point of "Don't take the TSI 2.0" is until you view this video :)

ELAR - 30 multiple choice questions

College Readiness Standards for ELAR:

CRC 945-990 Essay 5-8


CRC 910-944 AND Diagnostic Level 5-6; Essay 5-8

Students can pass CRC (Multiple Choice section) and not pass essay or vice versa. Students would only need to retest the section they did not pass. 

Math- 20 multiple choice questions; embedded calculator.

College Readiness Standards for Math:

CRC 950-990


CRC 910-949 AND Diagnostic Level 6

How to prepare?

DHS Testing Date Options

March 6- Seniors

April 22- Dual Credit students

Testing Locations

TSIA2 Exemptions DISD