DHS Dual Credit

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The Dual Credit program is a cooperative effort between the Denton Independent School District, Texas Woman’s University (TWU), the University of North Texas (UNT), and North Central Texas College (NCTC). A dual enrollment class is a college-level class given while the student is in high school, but it counts for both college and high school credit. Different from an AP class in that you don’t take a one-time sit-down timed test. Dual Credit final grade is the average of the semester and the DC final exam or otherwise stated in the instructor's syllabus. Students do need to earn a grade of C or higher in the class to continue in dual credit for that subject. That being said, dual enrollment classes are not easy. The writing requires an in-depth analysis of the subject matter, and many pages of writing are required each semester. The texts and chapters you will be required to read may even be longer than those in AP classes.

If you are interested in Dual Credit, check out the video below and take a look at each Institutions page. These are the only Institutions that Denton ISD has a partnership with. Read very CAREFULLY! DC is a process but worth it to many students.

One pro I forgot to say is as a TWU DC student you may have access to their library, tutoring labs, & gym! One con I forget to say is college transcripts cost $5-$15 to send each time. 

DC Info Meeting

DHS Dual Credit Counselor

Kay Langat



How does my student qualify for Dual Credit? DC Eligibility Requirements

The Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS) is a voluntary, co-operative effort among 137 Texas community colleges and universities to facilitate transfer of freshman and sophomore level general academic coursework. TCCNS provides a shared, uniform set of course designations for students and their advisors to use in determining both course equivalency and degree applicability of transfer credit on a statewide basis. When students transfer between two participating TCCNS institutions, a course taken at the sending institution transfers as the course carrying the same TCCNS designation at the receiving institution. If the University/College is not listed or is private or out of state you need to contact that specific school to determine how DC credits transfer. 

Benefits of Participating in Dual Credit

Please see DISD Course Catalog, pages 47-51, for more information regarding dual credit and all available courses DISD will accept as DC from TWU, UNT, and NCTC. 

How Does Dual Credit Compare with AP?

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