Partner with Us

Your Support Is Essential!

Faculty and staff play a critical role in ensuring the success of our PAL and Tutoring programs.  We value opportunities to connect and collaborate as we know those partnerships ultimately contribute to student success. 

Click on the headings below to learn more about opportunities to partner.

Recommend Future PAL Leaders & Tutors

Our best peer leaders aren't necessarily the students who understand the content right away, but those who are always willing to try their best and learn from their mistakes! They know how challenging the course is and have a passion for helping others navigate that challenge.

We are looking for students who:

If you know a student who would enjoy this leadership opportunity, please complete a recommendation form. With this form you will find a guide for sharing the skills you have observed in your interactions with a student.

Connect Students with Our Services

Faculty and staff play a critical role in shaping how students perceive and choose to utilize success resources. Students and peer leaders regularly tell us they started using our services because their instructor or a staff member referred them. We appreciate you advocating for ASC services when you talk to your students about developing their regular study routine.

Instructors: You are the most qualified to translate the value of our services in the context of your course material. You can uniquely refer students to our services by connecting course learning objectives to what it means to effectively utilize PAL and/or Tutoring for success in the course. 

As you reflect on ways to help students see the value of our resources, we believe the following can help you craft your message to students:

When you share habits of successful students with your class, this encourages them to use beneficial resources, such as PAL and Tutoring. This approach also shapes student perception of PAL and Tutoring as a strategic use of their time rather than a remediation for those who are "struggling".

If seeing our services in action would be beneficial, please let us know by emailing

Update Us on Changes to Courses & Curricula

The more information we have about supported courses, curriculum changes, and student challenges, the better equipped we are to prepare our peer leaders for effectively supporting student learning. We strive to adapt our peer leader training to fit the current needs of students. This type of "inside" information from instructors and student service staff gives us leverage in tailoring the training experience. We have included a few examples below to illustrate how we would use information you may share with us:

No matter how "simple" you think the information is, it is valuable for us as we train and support our peer leaders. You can share information anytime by emailing

Conversations with You Directly Inform Our Programs

Your voice and experiences are valuable as we train our peer leaders and design our programs for student success. We try to stay connected to the Clemson student experience, but we rely on partners like you to fill gaps in our understanding. These conversations ultimately inform our program design, training plan, and marketing approaches.

Instructors: We are eager to talk with you about your course and your goals for student success. These conversations help us best craft our approach to peer leader training to best prepare them for supporting your students. We do our best to customize support for you and your students based on your goals and the challenges you anticipate students will experience.

Student Service Staff: You see first hand the challenges students in your department face. Your observations and insights provide a broader view of the student experience that is informative for us!

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