ASC Tutoring

The Tutoring Program is excited to partner with you in supporting student success!

WHAT IS ASC TUTORING?  Tutors at the Academic Success Center (ASC) are fantastic undergraduate students who have successfully completed the course they support, and are trained as College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) certified tutors. They facilitate one-on-one or small group sessions, which are free and available to any student currently enrolled in the course. 

These Sessions Include:

Our goal is to support students and instructors by fostering the skills students need to utilize resources, ask good questions, and reflect on both the information they learn and the habits they develop during your course. 

Tutoring Partner Starter Kit:

Everything you need to connect and partner with the program!

Instructor Quick-Reference Sheet for ASC Tutoring - Fall 2023.pdf

Instructor Quick Reference Sheet

This 1-page Instructor Quick-Reference Sheet contains some key information about what to expect from ASC Tutoring and how you can refer students to this free resource.

ASC Tutoring Syllabus Statement

This course is supported by the Academic Success Center tutoring program. The ASC Tutors have successfully completed this course and they understand the concepts well enough to help you work through questions you have. The ASC Tutoring program is certified by the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA), which means that our tutors are trained to share learning and study strategies during tutorial sessions. While tutors will not complete/correct homework for you or help you on take-home tests or quizzes, they will help you understand and reinforce concepts that you are learning in your classes. All ASC Tutoring appointments are available through CU Navigate. To view the courses ASC Tutoring is supporting or for instructions on how to make an appointment, visit and click on the "View Tutoring Schedule" icon.

ASC Tutoring Canvas Referral - Fall 2023 (1).pptx

Canvas Announcement

The Canvas Advertisement is something we hope you could post to your Canvas page to alert students of the free ASC Tutoring support offered in their course.


What is ASC Tutoring, and how is it different from PAL?

Tutoring is facilitated as one-on-one or small group sessions that students register for in CU Navigate. During a tutoring session, students can work with their tutor on specific goals such as effective study strategies, gaining a deeper understanding of course materials, and using guided questioning to work through difficult concepts and problems. PAL leaders and Tutors complete similar training in learning theory and facilitation techniques to engage students, but their session structures differ. In contract to Tutoring, PAL sessions are collaborative study opportunities where students work together to discuss and practice course content while being guided by the PAL leader. The video below shares addtional information about our Tutoring program.

More short videos about ASC services can be found on the ASC Homepage ( under the orange "New Students" icon.

How is Tutoring support determined?

Traditionally, we have evaluated specific factors including but not limited to: 

Please reach out to if you are interested in learning more about Peer Learning Support Programs.

Please reach out to with any questions about ASC Tutoring.