Underclassmen Resources

Tutoring & Study Groups through Gearup

For NSHS cohort 2024-2025

Our local Fort Wayne Area Chamber of Commerce is here to help connect you with a local business to provide job shadowing opportunities!

(260)420-6945 or click photo link above!

Job Shadowing

Prepare for your future - Start today!

Job shadowing is a short term learning experience (day or week) which is an opportunity for students to gain exposure to an industry and/or a work setting. To gain exposure to a career field students are encouraged to consider things to do, before, during and after a job shadowing experience!

ms transfer form.pdf

Middle School Transfer Form

Student and parent signature required to bring a middle school grade onto your transcript in high school.

PE II waiver form.pdf

PE II Waiver Form

Student and coach/sponsor/director signature required and due to guidance 2 weeks after end of the season.