Transcript Requests

Parchment Transcript (1).mp4

Whether you are current student or recent graduate, you can request a copy of your transcript through

If you require a paper copy of your high school transcript, please contact Mrs. Workman at or 260-467-2704.

dual credits

If you would like your college transcripts from a dual credit course that you took at North Side sent to the college you are now attending, you can do this by either:

  • Submitting a request through - make sure you order the transcript from the university/college you took the dual credit class through.

  • The registrar's webpage on the university/college you earned your dual credits through. (For example: Trine University, Purdue Fort Wayne, Vincennes University)

If you are a current senior, here is the list of our dual credit partners and the classes you may have taken for dual credit:

Dual Credit Listing NS 2021.22.docx