November Newsletter  2023


Office Staff:

Scott Iwata, Principal

LeAnne Kodama, Secretary

Janet Thompson, Attendance Clerk

Office: 510-656-1611

Fax: 510 656-7682 

Warm Springs Elementary School 

47370 Warm Springs Blvd.

Fremont, CA 94539

Warm Springs Campus Map

Dear Warm Springs Community,

Over the past few weeks we:

Starting this Monday, 11/13, we will be on a minimum day schedule due to our parent conferences. Please read the times below and PLEASE make sure to make arrangements for picking up your student.  Also, we do not have school tomorrow, Friday, November 10, as it is Veterans Day.

Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy November!

In partnership,

Scott Iwata


"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all."

-Dale Carnegie

WARM SPRINGS VISION STATEMENT:  Warm Springs empowers all students to be socially responsible, global citizens, while maximizing their unique potential in a safe and positive learning environment.

We are excited to introduce you to Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), a proactive approach to fostering positive behavior in our school community. PBIS is a framework that focuses on teaching and reinforcing positive behaviors while reducing problematic ones. We believe that PBIS can create a more supportive and productive learning environment for all students. Here at Warm Springs we have a PBIS Team that has been working over the past few years to develop and implement this system and we fully launched it this year!

Here's a brief overview of PBIS and how it works:

How You Can Get Involved:

We are excited to embark on this journey of implementing PBIS here at Warm Springs. Our goal is to further create a safe, nurturing, and inclusive learning environment where ALL students can thrive academically and socially. With your support and active participation, we are confident that we can achieve this goal. Ours students and staff have been doing a wonderful job, so far!

PBIS Tier 2 Winners!

Parent Teacher Conferences

This coming week is parent teacher conference week. Please make sure you have scheduled a conference with your child's teacher. If you would like to meet with one of our specialist. Here is their conference schedule. Please reach out to them to setup a conference, as needed.

FUSD Family Resource Website

Welcome to the 2023 - 2024 school year! On this FUSD Family Resource Website, you will find resources, news,  information about upcoming events that FUSD will host throughout the school year, past presentations, ways to encourage learning at home, and more. FUSD will continue to update this site so please be sure to bookmark this site and check back for more updates.

Warm Springs Science Corner

Here are some students working through out the month in our various science labs, for some hands on science activities. All grade level teachers will be participating in a full day science collaboration with our district science program manager. This day will be used to review our new Amplify curriculum and how to maximize hands on science activities.  Amplify does not provide hands on science, throughout each unit. We will do our best to incorporate hands on activities, if they fit within the sequence and flow of the Amplify curriculum .

Mrs. Brown's Counselor Info

Please make sure to  visit Mrs. Browns webpage for all Counselor related information.

Nov 2023 Counselor's Corner (2).pdf

GATE (Gifted and Talented Education)

Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) provides support for gifted and talented (GATE) students through differentiated instruction. FUSD believes that differentiated instruction not only serves the needs of our exceptional students, but also enhances the entire educational program for all students. In February of 2020, funding for the CogAT testing was cut as part of the budget savings. While the CogAT testing has been the primary means of qualifying students for GATE identification we are now in the process of identifying an alternative way of identifying students. There will not be a test for GATE eligibility given this year. 

During the 2023/2024 school year we will continue to identify 5th and 6th grade students who were not identified in an earlier grade. These students may be considered for GATE identification through the professional judgement process. Teachers and/or parents may nominate a student. A completed nomination form must be submitted by the teacher or parent to the school Principal by December 15, 2023. Principals may set up meetings with the teacher, student, and parent, as appropriate, to discuss the student’s eligibility for GATE identification. In May, 2024, parents, teachers, and students who applied for professional judgement will be informed of their child’s GATE eligibility.

Warm Springs 5th Grade Basketball Tryouts

Tryouts for the teams will be on November 29. ​Only 5th graders will be allowed to try out, due to our large grade level groups. We usually have around 50 players try out and there are only 12-15 spots. Most schools have 2-3 classes per grade level. This year we have 7.5 5th grade classes. All 3rd and 4th graders who would like to try out when they are 5th graders, should keep practicing.  If you are a 5th grade parent and you did not receive the information/permission slip form, please contact Mr. Iwata. 

Please Do Not Block Driveways on Pontiac

We have had numerous complaints from our neighbors regarding parents blocking driveways, when dropping off. Please be mindful of our neighbors and the delays this may cause them when you block their driveways in the morning.  

Warm Springs' English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC)

Calling on Parents of Multilingual Learners... We are looking for parents of Multilingual Learners to serve on the District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC) and the Warm Springs English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC). DELAC provides a forum for parents/guardians of Multilingual Learners to advise, assist and provide recommendations to District administration and the Board of Education for the continuing improvement of programs, services, and policies for English Learners and their families.

Please contact Mr. Iwata if you are interested. 

Parent Workshop on "Establishing Positive Online Behaviors"

PTA News - Visit the PTA site here.


2023-2024 FUSD School Year Calendar

Please see the 2023-2024 FUSD School Year Calendar.

Warm Springs Community

Paperless fliers for community events, programs, and resources can be found here. To sign up for automatic notifications, go to and click on 'Sign Up'.  

Remember to read the Announcements and Headlines on the Warm Springs web site, too. Additional information is posted there as it comes up on a day to day basis.