November Newsletter 2019


Office Staff:

Scott Iwata, Principal

Katy Carter, Assistant Principal

Kathy Forrest, Secretary

Janet Thompson, Attendance Clerk

Diane Beeson, Office Assistant

Office: 510-656-1611

Fax: 510 656-7682

Warm Springs Elementary School

47370 Warm Springs Blvd.

Fremont, CA 94539

Warm Springs Handbook 2019-2020

Principal Iwata's Message:

Fall Stampede was a huge success! Thank you to our amazing PTA for all of their hard work and to all the volunteers for coming out to support this event. Students had a great time! If you have not made a voluntary donation, please use this form. It’s not too late to contribute!

Please make sure to check the Parent Conference and minimum day schedule on our calendar below. Conferences start on November 18 and all days that week will be minimum days.

For November and December, students will be working on the Character Trait of Caring: I take care of myself, others, and my world. Please find the time to practice this trait during the next few months.

Scott Iwata



“You’re in charge of your mind. You can help it grow by using it in the right way.”

-Carol Dweck

WARM SPRINGS VISION STATEMENT: Warm Springs empowers all students to be socially responsible, global citizens, while maximizing their unique potential in a safe and positive learning environment.

Four Map Options Under Consideration for New System of Electing Board Members

As the District continues to move through the process of transitioning to "by-Trustee-area" elections under the legal requirements of the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA), we have reached an important juncture. The District is releasing four map options to the community for study and input. All four of the map options being considered meet the legal requirements outlined in CVRA. The District is providing three in-person opportunities to the community to review and provide feedback over the next seven weeks before the Board of Education votes on December 10, 2019 for a map that will be put into effect for the November 2020 Board elections. This release of map options comes at the end of the "Pre-Map" period wherein the District engaged the community with two public hearings to solicit input before drawing map options.

Each map option for consideration:

1. Meets the equal population requirement (that each trustee area have equal population with up to a 10% variance);

2. Increases the voting power of the largest protected classes in the District (Hispanic/Latino; Asian; and African American) by Citizen Voting Age Population (CVAP/eligible voters) in at least two Trustee Areas per map based on up-to-date CVAP statistics compared to District-wide averages;

3. Creates two Asian majority areas per map by CVAP;

4. Complies with the Federal Voting Rights Act;

5. Respects communities of interest as much as possible;

6. Is compact and contiguous as much as possible; and

7. Follows man-made and natural geographic features as much as possible.

Draft Map 1 | Draft Map 2 | Draft Map 3 | Draft Map 4 | All Draft Maps

Upcoming Meeting and Hearing Schedule:

November 20, 2019 – 2nd Public Hearing regarding Map Options at 7:00 p.m. during the Governing Board meeting at the District Office Board Room (4210 Technology Drive, Fremont, CA 94538)

December 10, 2019 – 3rd Public Hearing regarding Map Options at 7:00 p.m. and adopt map option during the Gover

GATE Information 2019-2020

Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) provides support for gifted and talented (GATE) students through differentiated instruction. We believe that differentiated instruction not only serves the needs of our exceptional students, but also enhances the entire educational program for all students.

GATE testing for 3rd grade students

All 3rd grade students will have the opportunity to be tested for GATE. The window for GATE testing is January 27, 2020 - February 14, 2020. Each school will set administer testing within this window.

The testing process is automatic and does not require parents of 3rd grade students to opt in. Any student whose parent does not want their child to participate in testing must submit an opt-out form to the Assessment and Accountability Department, 4210 Technology Drive, Room 280, Fremont, California 94538, no later than December 13, 2019. Requests submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.

GATE testing for 4th and 5th grade students

Students in 4th or 5th grade who have not taken the GATE assessment at FUSD have the option to take the GATE assessment. These might be students who are new to the district or who were opted out of GATE testing in 3rd grade. If your 4th or 5th grade child is eligible for GATE testing this year and you would like them to be included in this test, please submit an opt-in form to the Assessment and Accountability Department by December 13, 2019. 5th grade is the last opportunity for students to be assessed with the GATE test.

The window for GATE testing is January 27, 2020 - February 14, 2020. Each school will set administer testing within this window.

GATE identification for 5th and 6th grade students

Students in 5th or 6th grade who were not identified in an earlier grade may be considered for GATE identification through the professional judgement process. Teachers and/or parents may nominate students. A completed Nomination Form must be submitted to the school Principal by December 13, 2019. Additional information and forms are available in the student’s school office and may also be downloaded from the FUSD website.

Reminder: Cyber Safety & Google Hang Outs

At Warm Springs Elementary we acknowledge that the safety of our students is extremely important. We have seen students, in the past, use technology in inappropriate ways. Some students have used Google Hangouts to make fun of students also known as “roasting” and posting mean comments. Please monitor your child’s use of technology and be advised that any harassment or bullying activity online may result in disciplinary action. For services such as Facebook, Instagram and Google Hang Outs, the user must be 13 years old to have an account. We thank you for your support and for working with us to address this matter and to keep our students safe and bully - free.

7th Grade Math Placement Test

The Math Test for 7th Grade Math Placement will be held earlier this year with a testing window of March 30 - April 8, 2019.

2020-2021 School Year Enrollment Update:

New student enrollment for the 2020-2021 school year will begin in December. If you currently have a student attending a Fremont Unified school in grades TK-5th, you may be eligible to enroll your “new” student during the sibling priority period. You may check your eligibility at your home school between November 18, 2019 and February 10, 2020. Priority enrollment for new TK and Kindergarten students for 2019-2020 will begin December 2, 2019 and run through February 21, 2020. Please see the Fremont Unified School District web site (, under Enrollment, for more information and instructions. All other TK-6th grade enrollments will begin April 1, 2019. Please refer to the Fremont Unified School District web site ( under Enrollment for more information and instructions.

Transitional and Kindergarten Enrollment:

Parent information meetings on new transitional and kindergarten enrollment for 2020-2021 will be held at Fremont Unified Scholl District, 4210 Technology Dr, in the Professional Development Center on the following dates;

  • Tuesday, November 12, 2019 6:00 – 8:00 PM
  • Wednesday, November 13, 2019 6:00 – 8:00 PM
  • Thursday, November 14, 2019 6:00 – 8:00 PM
  • Friday, November 15, 2019 9:30 – 11:30 AM
Warm Springs Maker Night Flyer (1).pdf

Warm Springs Family Coding and Maker Night!

Click the flyer to the left and please try to come out for all the learning and fun!

Young Authors Contest

Young Authors Contest… on your mark, get set...Write! Click here for the English student entry packet. For Mandarin or Spanish versions of the packet, please click here. All entries for Warm Springs Elementary are due on Wednesday, December 4, 2019 to the classroom teacher.

Reminders about Independent Study Contracts:

Per Board Policy 6158:

• Short term voluntary Independent Study (IS) Contracts may extend for not less than five (5) and not more than (10) consecutive school days.

• Students may only have one (1) IS per school year.

• Students may only have three (3) in their entire K-12 school experience in FUSD.

• Students whose achievement is below grade level standards, based on multiple measures, in Language Arts or Math may not be eligible for IS.

• No Independent Study contracts are issued the first twenty (20) days of the school year or the last twenty (20) days of the school year.

• Students who do not successfully complete the assigned work from a previous Independent Study will not be eligible for another IS.

• Teachers must be given at least 10 days’ notice to prepare the material for an IS.

Eight Great Character Traits

Throughout the year, we will be reinforcing the importance of developing and showing good character at school, home, and in the community. During the month of October, we focused on "RESPONSIBILITY." At our last character assembly, teachers awarded students with certificates for their exemplary show of responsible character at school.

During the months of November and December, we will be focusing on "CARING." As a school wide project, we are brainstorming words we associate with caring behavior to decorate the new poster in our main hallway. Additionally, we will be conducting a canned food drive (November) and a Toy Drive (December).

A message to reinforce at home... Pay it forward. Caring is contagious.


Counselor's Corner

Hi Families,

Last month's Great Trait was Responsibility! We worked together as a school to create a Responsibili-Tree in our main hallway, the leaves on our tree lists ways that our Warm Springs family can show responsibility at home, at school, and the community. If you get a chance, come check it out!

Something that goes hand-in-hand with responsibility is integrity. Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. Check out this handout on integrity and share with your child(ren) what doing the right thing means to you. Maybe you even have examples of when you chose to use integrity that you can share with your child(ren). It's so important to instill these values in our children at a young age so they can practice early on and be an upstanding citizen!

Chiara Cross

Warm Springs Counselor

Integrity (1).pdf