Student Poll

Halloween Infographic!

By Joseph Candelaria

After this year’s Halloween, The Bronco Corner thought it would be fun to get students’ perspectives on Halloween, how old is “too old,” their justifications, and what they went as. Here are a few pie charts depicting the responses that were gathered from 76 students:

What did you go as for Halloween?

How old do you believe is “too old” to go Trick-or-treating?

Here are some students' submissions to act as justification for their responses above.

14-16: Because they are still kids and it is better than teenagers out partying and doing illegal things.

17-19: You're entering adulthood, and it's more for kids of younger age.

Never too old!: Although trick or treating is directed at kids, it's a fun activity that can be enjoyed by all ages. Adults shouldn't be deprived of feelings like a kid and having fun. 

Finally, What is your grade level?