

There is a number of valuable sources of information for our conservation purposes, that help on providing us data to draw a base line and have a better understanding of the context in which we undertake our conservation initiative and research.

It also confirms the many gaps of data for our particular area of interest, therefore (and hopefully!) we believe in the relevance and utility of our purpose at a regional and (even potentially at a) national level for wider interests in protected zones and biological research.


Santander Bio (2019)

Research on biodiversity

Source: Research Report (Santander Bio, 2019)

Santander Bio- resultados, retos y oportunidades.pdf

Researched Area (Santander Bio)

Gámbita - Our region of interest

Location of La Hondura Canyon


Fauna & Flora Sanctuary of Guanentá - Alto Río Fonce

National Natural Park

National Park (Sanctuary of Guanentá - Alto Río Fonce)

Gámbita - Our region of interest

Location of La Hondura Canyon


Fauna & Flora Sanctuary of Iguaque

National Natural Park

National Park (Sanctuary of Iguaque)

Gámbita - Our region of interest

Location of La Hondura Canyon


Forest & Climate Monitoring

Global Forest Watch, for Gámbita