FTC 10309 TechnoHuskies

Inspire Award Winner

Michigan State Championship_Battle Creek

(Dec 13~14, 2019)

FInal alliance Captain

Michigan State Championship_ Battle Creek

(Dec 13~14, 2019)

Connect Award Winner

Midland Qualifier (11.02.2019)

INspire Award Winner

Oxford Qualifier (11.23.2019)

FIRST Tech Challenge teams (10+ members, grades 7-12) are challenged to design, build, program, and operate robots to compete in a head-to-head challenge in an alliance format.

FIRST TECH CHALLENGE is way more than building a robot or winning an award!

Contact Us

Email: info@ftc10309.org

Jefferson Robotics_TechnoHuskies

Jefferson Middle School

800 W Chapel Ln, Midland, MI 48640