EdTech Endorsed Staff

The following staff members have either earned distinction directly from a software developer or have demonstrated mastery of the product through their incredible use of the tool in the classroom. Either way, they are a great resource for you if you need additional assistance with any of these tools!

Adobe Photoshop/Lightroom Queen of the Universe! (OK. We made this one up!)

Mrs. Marafiotio

BrainPOP Certified Educator

Ms. Freeman, Mrs. Herlich

Buncee Ambassador

Ms. Freeman, Dr. Rios, Mr. Tobler

ClassDojo Ambassador

Mrs. Hawthorne

ClassKick Ambassador

Mrs. Hawthorne

Discovery Education Network Star

Mrs. Michna

epic! Certified Teacher

Mrs. Hawthorne, Mrs. Michna

FlipGrid Ambassador

Dr. Rios

GoGuardian of the Galaxy (We made this one up too!)

Ms. Freeman, Mr. Gorham, Dr. Rios

Google Certified Educator, Level 1

Mrs. DeHoyos, Ms. Freeman, Mrs. Herlich, Mrs. Koellein, Mrs. Lamoureux, Mrs. Lange, Mrs. Marafioto, Mrs. Michna, Mr. Nichols, Sra. Narcisse, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Pearson, Dr. Rios, Mrs. Schiebel, Mrs. Shaw, Mr. Tobler, Mrs. Wessies

Google Certified Educator, Level 2

Ms. Freeman, Mrs. Koellein, Mrs. Michna, Dr. Rios, Mrs. Schiebel, Mrs. Shaw, Mr. Tobler

Google for Education Certified Trainer

Mrs. Michna, Dr. Rios

Kahoot Gold Medal

Mrs. Michna

Kami Hero (This one is real!)

Mr. Kaminsky (Please note that his last name even starts with KAMI!)

Learning A-Z Enlightened Educator

Mrs. Flores

Master Mimio

Mrs. Michna, Dr. Rios

Nearpod Certified Educator

Mrs. Michna

Newsela Certified Educator

Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Koellein, Mr. Nichols, Mr. Ramos, Mrs. Wessies

Remind Ambassador

Mrs. Michna, Mrs. Shaw

Screencastify Master Screencaster

Mrs. Koellein, Mrs. Michna

Seesaw Ambassador

Ms. Freeman, Mrs. Kavanagh, Dr. Rios, Ms. Shafer, Mrs. Shaw

WeVideo Ambassador

Dr. Rios