Lead Role Information

Lead actors need to be at rehearsals longer (be able to stay up to 5:30 pm in some cases). In order to be considered for a lead role, you need to meet the following requirements by November 11, 2019.

1. Actors need to create a response to the following prompt. The response can be a drawing, painting, poem, video, paragraph, or any other artistic expression. This does not need to be a lengthy process...just something thoughtful. This will need to be emailed or turned in to Mrs. Long by November 11 by midnight. Prompt: I will help my fellow cast members or the production by...

(Consider your strengths. Maybe you are a great listener, mover, acrobat, friend, singer, etc.)

2. Actors will need to get 2 recommendations from adults or leaders who have worked with them. These can be family members, but should really be people such as teachers, activity leaders, youth group leaders, coaches, etc. Please copy and paste the following link so you may invite the adult to submit the recommendation. These should be submitted by November 11. There is no need to leave a response for this question. Link to recommendations: CLICK HERE.