School Farm

This Barn is Finally Here!

The McArthur FFA Farm is a 4-acre lab facility designed to enhance the "learn by doing" philosophy of the Fall River High School Agriculture Department. The farm serves both animal science and plant science students. 

The centerpiece of the farm is a our soon to be 3,480 square foot barn, designed to house livestock projects for students. This building serves a place for members to get the opportunity to show at our local county Intermountain Fairgrounds and sell at the Junior Livestock Auction Labor Day Weekend. Species housed in the pavilion include, cattle, sheep and pigs. Our new barn will include pens, feed storage and wash racks. Outside the barn is a complete beef cattle working facility and two chicken houses.

The plant science program features a brand new greenhouse, 10 acres of dry land farming, and landscape areas that beautify the farm and school while giving the landscaping students a regular maintenance lab.

The farm generates thousands of dollars of income each year for students through their livestock projects and spring plant sale.


Our school farm currently houses seven breeding ewes that students utilize in classes to understand the ins and outs of managing livestock. Young lambs raised by students are intended to be used as fair projects in the future or expanding the breeding program.


With ten cows in our herd, students are getting hands on experience learning how to artificially inseminated, pregency check, sync and more. Calves are kept on site to further the breeding program or sold for fair projects.


Two breeding sows allow our students to practice their skills at ear notching, vaccinations and docking tails with our new born piglets. They also get an in depth learning experience in reproduction techniques and practices utilized in the swine industry.