educator toolkit

Inside the toolkit

The WV Foundation for Rape Information and Services, along with the Prevention Education Specialists, who work in the rape crisis centers in WV, launched the WV Statewide Prevention Initiative in 2020 designed for teachers and caregivers to utilize with children in grades K-6.

The Educator Toolkit was developed to help build social emotional learning skills. When students feel valued and cared for, they learn to care about others. It is important to build healthy relationships and supportive learning communities, especially now during a global pandemic when children and families may lack resources and support.

In the toolkit you’ll find lesson plans for Grades K-3 and Grades 4-6 filled with activities and resources on social-emotional learning with a focus on topics that include feelings, empathy, communication, conflict resolution, and peer relationships.

The goal is to help children recognize the connection between thoughts, feelings and behaviors, and develop strategies around how they want to be treated, how they treat others, and how they cope when faced with challenges.

Every lesson uses a breathing, mindfulness or brain break activity to empower children to increase resilience, focus and calmness. There are also activities to extend the lessons.

Lesson plans and resources can be accessed by going to the Educator Toolkit and using the dropdown arrow to click on the topic name. Supplemental resources on the topics are also available.

"Changing the World One Classroom at a Time!"

Sanford Harmony is a research-based, highly effective teaching strategy strengthening classroom communities by helping each child understand and appreciate diversity in others.

Sanford Harmony provides educators with tools to foster and support social connections among students and to promote the social, emotional, and cognitive skills students need to successfully navigate and develop peer relationships. Sanford Harmony incorporates multiple methods to teach positive relationships and create an inclusive classroom environment.

Some of the lessons provided in the Educator Toolkit have been adapted from the social-emotional curriculum developed and provided by Sanford Harmony for grades K-6.

You will need to create an account and password at Sanford Harmony to access more lessons, resources, activities, and worksheets provided.