Freehold Regional High School District Pathway Programs

Charting a Future of Excellence in Education

FRHSD offers additional Pathway Programs at select schools geared to prepare students for careers in high demand professional fields. 

Enrollment: Enrollment in the programs is through a “self selection process."  For details on program requirements, visit the program websites linked below .

Web Design Program logo and Link

The CTE Web Design Pathway Program is available to students districted to:  Freehold High School, Freehold Township High School and Marlboro High School. 

CTE Web Design Pathway Program Curriculum

Web Design Pathway Program - 3 courses beginning 10th grade

Honors Web Design WDPP 

5 Credits, Grade 10

This course is the first course in the FRHSD Web Design Pathway Program. In this course, students will learn the fundamentals of the internet, coding principles, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) code, and Cascading Styles Sheets (CSS). This course will prepare students to create and maintain professional static websites using current industry tools and emerging trends and technologies. Students will design and create functional web pages according to specifications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and emerging trends and technologies. In addition, students will solve problems collaboratively and creatively in a professional environment, mirroring that of industry, while developing transferable, marketable skills in preparation for careers in the field of web design.

Honors Advanced Web Design WDPP 

5 Credits, Grade 11

This course is the second course in the FRHSD Web Design Pathway Program.  Web Design students will apply coding knowledge and skills incorporating the application of JavaScript programming language. Students will learn programming problem-solving skills and strategies to create and maintain interactive websites according to customer specifications. In this course, students will gain a deep understanding of JavaScript and other essential concepts including Java, Python, and Objective-C, Swift. These concepts include variables, functions, loops, events, and programming problem-solving strategies.  Students will solve problems collaboratively and creatively in an environment mirroring that of the industry. In this course, students will engage in a meaningful Structured Learning Experiences (SLE) to apply knowledge and skills in an environment mirroring that of industry.  The SLE will help students clarify career interests and goals, explore career possibilities, develop employability skills, demonstrate and apply high-level academic and technical skills, and make the transition between high school and employment and/or further education and training.  Students will create and maintain professional high-quality websites meeting customer needs.  

Honors NJIT IS219 Advanced Website Development WDPP

The Honors NJIT IS219 Advanced Website Development is the third course in the Career and Technical Education Web Design Pathway Program.  This course discusses the concepts and skills required to plan, design and build advanced websites, with a focus on sophisticated user interaction enabled by programming the web browser (such as Chrome). Such programming is known as client-side scripting. These interactive websites utilize forms to gather user inputs and vary both the content and display of the web pages based on the current user tasks and preferences. This includes designing and dynamically changing tabs and menus, as well as expanding and contracting sections of pages. Students will develop a thorough understanding of website usability (designing effective sites that people like, security and user privacy, browser capability (ensuring websites work on every major web browser), and the tools and skills that web developers use to add interactive features to websites. These skills include Javascript (for programming interactive features), the Document Object Model or DOM (specifying the internal structure of web pages), JQuery (to access information utilizing this internal structure, create animations and generally streamline Javascript), browser variables (providing information about the browser characteristics), HTML input forms, form validation (ensuring correctness of user input), securing user input (to ensure user privacy), cookies (tracking user information), basic communication with the webserver (which processes the information users input into forms), and AJAX ( which integrates many of these technologies).  

CTE Pathways Program logo and link

The CTE Health Professions Pathway Program is available to students districted to:  Freehold High School and Manalapan High School.

CTE Health Professions Pathway Program Curriculum

Health Professions Pathway Program - 4 courses beginning 10th grade

Honors Dynamics of Healthcare in Society HPPP 

5 Credits, Grade 10

Dynamics of Healthcare in Society provides an orientation to healthcare services and their delivery. It presents an interdisciplinary perspective, focusing on process skills such as critical thinking, ethical reasoning, effective communication and ways to continue independent learning throughout life. The course shows how all healthcare providers acquire professional competence in dealing with the issues and problems they face as well as the role they play as informed consumers.

 Honors Emergency and Clinical Care HPPP 

2.5 Credits, Grade 11

The Rutgers Emergency and Clinical Care is a course that addresses emergencies before medical help arrives at an emergency scene. The course is designed to give the student the knowledge of how to recognize and respond to an emergency. The intent of the course is to help the student feel more confident in his/her ability to act appropriately in the event of an emergency. The goal of this course is to provide students with the training needed to respond to community emergencies. First aid topics such as bleeding, shock, bandaging, burns, head and spinal injuries, chest, abdominal and pelvic injuries, bone, joint, and muscle injuries, splinting, medical emergencies, environmental emergencies, and traumatic injuries will be addressed. Students must complete the First Aid / CPR / AED certification through the American Red Cross.

Honors Medical Terminology HPPP 

2.5 Credits, Grade 11

Rutgers Medical Terminology is the study of words that pertain to body systems, anatomy, physiology, medical processes and procedures, and a variety of diseases. It provides specialized language for the health care team, enabling health care workers to communicate in an accurate, articulate, and concise manner. This course is designed to give the students a comprehensive knowledge of word construction, definition, and use of terms related to all areas of medical science. The course includes but is not limited to terms related to the anatomy of the human body, functions of health and disease, and the use of language in diagnosing and treating conditions related to all of the human body systems. This course replaces the earlier study of Latin and Greek for future healthcare professionals, as it focuses on words used in the medical fields. This course serves as an important prerequisite to Anatomy and Physiology. It is useful in preparing students for every career in allied health.

Honors Anatomy and Physiology HPPP

Anatomy and Physiology is the study of the structure and function of the human body. This course follows a sequential development of the major body systems in an organized and structured curriculum. The course is designed to give the students a selective overview of human anatomical structure and an analysis of human physiological principles. Labs will include slide work, dissection of various animals, and studies of the human skeleton. The course will also use computer-simulated dissection. Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:

1. Utilize the language of anatomy to describe levels of structural organization and examples of homeostasis

2. Apply basic concepts of chemistry and biochemistry.

3. Identify microscopic structures as presented in the lab.

4. Identify and explain the structure and function of the major body systems and explain their interrelationships with one another in maintaining homeostasis.

5. Identify and locate gross structures of the human anatomy.

6. Develop dissection and lab skills with an awareness of infection control and safety.

7. Compare and contrast normal and abnormal characteristics and functions of the body.

The Cybersecurity Pathway Program is available to students districted to:  Colts Neck School and Howell High School.

Cybersecurity Pathway Program Curriculum

Cybersecurity Pathway Program - 3 courses beginning 10th grade


5 Credits, Grade 10

This is the first course in the FRHSD Cybersecurity Pathway Program.  Students will learn about Cyber Ethics, Fundamentals of Computing, Networking, Cryptology, Linux, System Administration, Cybersecurity Threats, Risk Identification, and much more.  Students can expect an engaging learning environment with labs, simulations, and authentic, cyber security applications during class.  They will also participate in cybersecurity competitions throughout the year. 

FRHSD has several Magnet Programs that are Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programs. These programs include:

Application: These programs are applied to during the fall of 8th gradeLearn more about the Magnet Program application process.