Grades K-1 ELA

Por favor, consulten la pagina de RECURSOS EN ESPANOL para sugerencias y actividades en espanol. espanol.


12 Days of Reading 5-6.pdf
Fiction Snow Day Library
Nonfiction Snow Day Library

Listen to the Freeport staff read aloud great books! In each book you will hear about the theme of Kindness in some way.

Famous actors and actresses read aloud popular children's books.

Login to Raz-Kids to access hundreds of leveled books!


Writing paper choice 1.pdf

Writing Paper Choice 1

(Larger box for drawing and 3 lines to write on)

Writing Paper Choice 2.pdf

Writing Paper Choice 2

(8 lines to write on)

How To Writing Paper.pdf

How To Writing Paper

(Great for listing steps in order when teaching how to do something)

Blue Ribbon Opinion Writing Paper.pdf

Blue Ribbon Opinion Writing Paper

(Great for awarding the BEST and writing to persuade others about why it is the best!)


Reinforce your knowledge of letters, sounds, and words by playing a phonics game for 15 minutes every day.