Elementary Math

Welcome to the home page for Franklin Public Schools Elementary Math Specialists. We created this resource to provide important vocabulary for each grade level and domain as well as activities to use at home to support mathematics instruction.  The best thing you can do to help your child is to highlight the math that is a part of your everyday routines and to keep a positive attitude about mathematics.  If you have any questions, please reach out directly to the math specialist at your elementary school.  

Oak Street Elementary- Kristen Rea- reak@franklinps.net

Parmenter Elementary- Brian Kelley- kelley_b@franklinps.net

Kennedy Elementary- Megan Weiss- weissm@franklinps.net

Jefferson Elementary- Jamie Hulbig- hulbigj@franklinps.net

Keller Elementary- Jennifer Young- youngj@franklinps.net

Keller Elementary- Jennifer McIntyre- mcintyrej@franklinps.net

The following video (from Massachusetts Department of Education) illustrates standards-based learning. It provides an overview of how educators are approaching mathematics instruction in various grade levels. 

This video explains the importance of keeping a positive math mindset and shares brain research on the importance of mathematics instruction for students. 

Some activities on this website are adapted from Howard County Public School System resources for families and communities