Pre - K Math

Pre-K Math

This page has some information that might help you work with your pre-K child on mathematics.

RULE 1: Always say positive things about math!

RULE 2: See rule 1!


Whenever you can, talk math with your child. For example, count the stairs as you are going up or down.

​Starting with small numbers, have your child count and move the objects to a new pile.

Number Identification:

Look for numbers everywhere you go.

Comparative Words:

Ex: Short, shorter, shortest; long, longer, longest


Work with your child to organize objects by size or color. You can do this as you are putting groceries away, for example.

Number Value:

Play with the numbers. For example, use 5 cubes. Count the 5 cubes together and have your child close his/her eyes and hide some (or none) behind your back. Ask them to count the cubes on the table and tell you how many you have hidden.


Attributes: Notice, describe and explore whether something has more, less, or the same, is full or empty, etc.- Example: using cups and liquids, practice pouring varying amounts into similar and different size containers

Use non standard units to measure things- Example: using strips of paper to show the height of people or measure the distance that was traveled by a toy car going down a ramp


Positional concepts: Notice, describe and change where objects are using words like in, out, on, off, under, over, up, down, next to, in front and behind- Example: play games using 2 or more toys to move and describe where the toys are using positional words

Students of all ages learn through play. Here is a great resource for play based mathematics:

PBS Kids - for parents.