Welcome to the Farmington Public Schools K-6 Mathematics Website

We believe that every child can master an understanding and love of mathematics.

     Farmington Public Schools has dedicated math specialists for each of the elementary schools.  These specialists work with students and teachers as coaches for teaching and learning. They help teachers and students understand concepts,  assess student progress, and provide guidance for interventions.  If you have questions about mathematics, you can contact the math specialist from your child's school.

Contact information:

East Farms:  Catherine Gingras - gingrasc@fpsct.org

Noah Wallace: Tara Lucidon - lucidont@fpsct.org

Union:  Kate Campbell - campbellk@fpsct.org

West District: Thomas Hassett -hassettt@fpsct.org

West Woods Upper Elementary: Pam Celentano - celentanop@fpsct.org