Homework Help

Homework Help

Students should determine:

  • a good location for doing homework. For some students, that might be the kitchen table or island because they may need help keeping on task. Other students may need a more quiet place - like a dining room, or bedroom. Just be sure that you are able to monitor your child while completing homework.

  • quiet or a little background music. Some people need to things to be as quiet as possible to get work done, but others do better with soft music playing. Completing homework in front of a television is almost never a good idea.

  • what assignments to do first. Some people like to do the hardest things (or least-liked) first, while others like to start with something they enjoy.

  • sometimes homework is practice, sometimes it is self-directed by the child, sometimes it is a check for understanding or an extension and should be completed independently.

  • a check in when the homework is finished. Never assume it's done just because your child says it is. Sometimes students forget to do something. Also, this is an opportunity for your child to explain what the homework was about.

  • if your child is not able to do an assignment mostly independently, send a note to your child's teacher so they can get assistance and have your child prepare a specific question to ask the teacher..

Parent Roadmaps:

This link below will bring you to some excellent information. You will need to click on your child's grade and you will find ways to help your child with homework, and ways to support what we are teaching at school.

Parent Roadmap to the Common Core Standards