Camera-less Photography

Scanner Photography

The photographer uses either a Swiss Army Knife or my hands to move the plants over a glass surface. I really love this image beacuse of its emphasis and the contrast between the flower and the background. The photo of the white flower withe with the black background really shows emotion. I think the meaning of the work is too focus on smaller aspects of things. Many people love to see and photograph flowers. However, this photo focuses on a small part of the flower.

Scanner Photography

This photo of a green plant with a mostly black background is an amazing representation of movement. Your eye goes to the most focused part of the plant which is the bottom. Then is starts to move up the plant, which is begining to be less focused. Again, this photo also shows emphasis.


(Anna Atkins)

This photo is anouther great example of movement. Also, this photo has amazing contrast. The white with the blue makes your eye drawn to the plant which was the main component of the photo. I really enjoy this photo because you can see the general outline of the plant.

Sir John Herchel

Family, 2019 Scenography

I created this work because I felt like it was a different direction from what other people in my class were creating. I loved my lumen and I wanted to incorporate it into my project. Additionally, I love being able to include my photos from home. I created this composition by scanning my lumen and then putting my photos from home on top of the lumen. Then I had scanned flowers and I placed them around the edge of the lumen as a “frame”.

A Walk, 2019 Cyanotype

I created this work because this is one of my favorite photos. We created this work by painting a chemical over the paper. Then we took our negative and laid it over the paper in the sunlight. After twelve minutes we brought the photo back in and washed it in the water. The photo ended up with a strong composition because my brother and dad are not centered and darker then everything else in the photo.

2019 Lumen

I created this lumen by placing flowers on a chemical paper and placing it into the sunlight outside for thirty minutes. I brought these flowers together because they all had shapes that I felt would create a good mix of size and shape.