DIY Toolkit

Build Your Own Virtual Self-Care Toolkit!

Welcome to the "Build Your Own Self-Care Toolkit" page! Here you will find useful steps to help you put together a "toolkit" of helpful strategies to use when you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed. An important step in self-care is knowing what strategies to use to help reach a healthy level of awareness and relaxation. Explore these suggestions; bookmark what works for you and save it to a folder on your computer or phone to be easily accessible for you when you need them! (Click on the designated image to view the resource)

Step 1 - Mindfulness/Awareness

Mindfulness - How are you feeling? What's preoccupying your mind? How is your breathing? Choose a strategy to employ a mindfulness technique that works for you! Be present in the moment and start your day with a positive mind! Set goals for your day and mark each goal off as you complete it! (click on the clouds)

Step 2 - Exercise

Choose some quick, easy exercises to help you relax and energize your brain and body! Having strategies in your toolkit to help energize your mind and body are a must! We all hit the "dullness" dip or "I can't focus on anything" valley, but quick, targeted and purposeful exercises to do anywhere can help re-energize you and stimulate the upper parts of your brain! (click on the "exercise" image)

Step 3 - Calming Techniques

Choose several calming strategies to use throughout your day! Click each image to view!

Coping stragegies

Smartphone apps

Relaxing music

Live animal webcams

Step 4 - Celebrate Your Successes

Take time to celebrate your successes each day! Even on those days that were hard to get through, celebrate the fact that you not only got through the day, but accomplished some goals as well!