Coping Strategies

Coping strategies are extremely valuable when we face stressful, overwhelming or fearful situations. It is important to learn and practice these strategies so they become an automatic response when you need them.

Every person experiences a certain level of stress in their lives, and some more than others depending on experiences and situations. Responding to stress in a way that is healthy and helpful will not only help reduce the stress you feel, but it will also help your body physically, emotionally, behaviorally and inter-personally as well.

Scroll down and try some of the following useful strategies! Remember, building healthy responses takes time; and it takes practice!

Online Breath Bubble

to help regulate your breathing

Online Fidget

virtual manipulative (click on the fidget)

Online Rubiks Cube

virtual manipulative (click on the cube)

Coping Strategies

  • Schedule yourself in your day…...your emotional health is the key to helping others.

  • Is the source of your stress something you can control? If not, let it go.

  • Sentences that begin with what if, should have, or could have never end with a positive thought.

  • Collaborate with coworkers, other parents, other students - you are not on an island.

  • Take brain breaks throughout the day (this does not mean check your phone or social media - instead, use a mindfulness, meditation or breathing technique).

  • Take a walk, alone, and notice what you see, hear, smell or feel

  • Eat healthy

  • Exercise

  • Use Calming Apps

  • Regulation

  • Seek counseling if needed

  • Get Back to Nature - it helps "ground" you

  • Set Goals and celebrate your successes

  • Disconnect - limit media exposure

  • Positive self talk/Journal

  • Time with Family/friends

  • Be creative/discover hobbies

  • Sleep/Diet/Exercise

  • Muscle relaxation