
Peardeck is an Add-On available for Google Slides! It makes slide presentations interactive and dynamic for students; as the teacher presents, the students can follow along and interact with the slides. They can answer multiple choice questions, draw, and more! The teacher can anonymously reveal student answers to the whole class but still see which student said what privately.

Cost: PearDeck is "free-mium" meaning the basics are free, but some features cost extra (@$15 a month)...please scroll to the bottom to get THREE FREE MONTHS of the premium features!

This is a great in-person and remote teaching tool! Here are some very short tutorial videos to get you started turning your Slide decks into PearDecks! (because you can use Slide presentations you already have!)

this 1 minute video shows you how PearDeck works!

Getting Started With PearDeck

Creating a Pear Deck Lesson

Turn an existing slide presentation into a PearDeck!

Using PearDeck for Synchronous, Virtual Learning

Hi! Would you like those three FREE months of premium features for FREE?! Please use the QR code or type this address into your browser:

If you have any questions regarding PearDeck (or after your first three months of free premium are up and you would like three MORE free months), please reach out to Jen Walter at