Tech Taxonomy

This section of our website will help you with an understanding of different levels, skills and types of integration. They can all be used to help you self-assess and identify areas of technology integration to improve upon. In almost every model they will explain that it is a process and you must live throughout all the levels. You would not always stay in just one level. The goal is to diversify. I think that by creating different possibilities in the classroom we will allow for more students to be successful. The major goal is to try to "Change", then "Reflect", and finally "Modify". It is okay if it does not work the first time. Remember, to truly learn we must fail to succeed.

SAMR - Substitution-Augmentation-Modification-Redefinition

SAMR is used as a model for Tech Integration designed by Dr. Ruben R. Puentedura. He wanted to create something that was simple, easy to gauge, and offered all educators something to strive for.

SAMR Resources

TPACK - Technology Pedagogy and Content Knowledge

TPACK is a comparison of 3 different aspects of teaching. TPACK is basically a Venn diagram comparing content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and technological knowledge.

TPACK Resources

Webb's DOK - Depth of Knowledge

Webb's DOK is way to think about the complexity of content. There are four DOK levels. Level 1 is recall and recognition, Level 2 is about using a skill or a concept. Level 3 requires strategic thinking and level 4 requires extended thinking usually requiring work over a period of time.

Webb's DOK Resources

Blooms Taxonomy

Most of you in the educational field understand and know the levels of Blooms Taxonomy. Blooms was revamped and you might find it called the New Blooms or the Revised Blooms. The major difference between the versions is a shift in the higher levels and the newer one is more focused on the verbs or action at the levels. Most teachers and school districts just focus on the cognitive levels of blooms which are remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. Blooms also has the Affective Domain which focuses on the students growth in feelings and emotional areas, and the Psychomotor Domain which is the manual and physical skills. The original Blooms was created in 1956 but we still feel it is one of the most comprehensive and most widely used tools to help educators.

Bloom's Resources

Florida and Arizona TIM - Technology Integration Matrix

The technology integration matrix was first produced by the Florida Center for instructional technology at the University of South Florida. It has been adopted by other educational agencies as well including Arizona. The Arizona version was produced by the Arizona K-12 Center at Norther Arizona University. Basically technology integration is divided into 25 parts making up a grid.

TIM Resources

ISTE Standards - International Society for Technology in Education

ISTE is the International Community for Technology in Education. They have several conferences throughout the year with a focus on technology use in the classroom. The organization has created standards for students, teachers, administrators, coaches and for computer science educators.

ISTE Resources

21st Century Skills

This is a set of abilities that experts agree will be needed in order to succeed in the information age.

21st Century Skills Resources