Movie Making

Movie making is something that is becoming more and more accessible for students as a way to present their learning or to communicate creatively. There are many ways to incorporate special effects such as chroma key (AKA green screen) using mobile devices which opens up even more possibilities or just makes the final product more interesting. We have personally experienced how these resources can be extremely engaging and help to spark creativity in teachers and students.

This is a web based video editing tool that includes the ability to incorporate special effects such as chroma key. If you would like access to the premium features please contact your TIS for more information.

This is an iOS app that assists in recording using various special effects. Lately it has become the "go to" solution for recording with the chromakey special effect. Presently, this app is only available on iOS tablets.

Other Video Editing & Recording Software

Student Movie Making Samples

This is a collection of student samples that may help you brainstorm ways to use this technology in your own classroom.