What can we do... VOLUNTEER!!

My cousins and I volunteered at Camp Fatima, accompanied by my aunt Sarah, who attended camp.

Camp Fatima 
Fontbonne students Volunteering at TOPsoccer

Me and my camper, Annie, that I cared for over the week at camp.

My Action

Volunteering for the intellectually disabled is the perfect way to help in the fight against the mistreatment of the intellectually disabled; that is why I offered a volunteer opportunity to the Fontbonne community. During March, I placed flyers around the school advertising the TOPsoccer program. Soon after hanging my flyers, I sent a Google form to the school to get an accurate number of students interested in volunteering for the TOPsoccer program and their emails. After I received a more accurate number of potential volunteers, I sent their emails to the coordinator of the TOPsoccer program and expressed their interest in volunteering. 

Why should I volunteer?

Volunteering for the intellectually disabled is the perfect way to help in the fight against the mistreatment of the intellectually disabled. Many organizations that provide athletic and social opportunities for the intellectually disabled are only possible with the help of volunteers! Along with providing opportunities for the intellectually disabled, you also give yourself lifelong memories and friends! Below are just a few of the many volunteer opportunities you can participate in!

                      "Volunteers are paid in six figure... S-M-I-L-E-S."- Gayla LeMaire