Social Analysis

What is Social Justice?

Social justice aims to create a fair and equal society in which each individual’s rights are recognized and protected.

There are many injustices that these athletes are facing including gender discrimination, sexual assault, and unequal power dynamics.

The Root Cause of this Issue 

“Domestic violence revolves around power: creating or maintaining an imbalance of power in order to control another.” - Mary Allison Joseph, Violence Prevention Coordinator, University of Missouri Kansas City

Coaches, athletic trainers, and team doctors almost always hold positions of power within sports teams and athletic organizations. They are responsible for making decisions about athlete’s roles, training sessions, and other opportunities.

Many athletes have been conditioned to look for validation and support from their coaches. This reinforces the power imbalance that is inherent in the mutualistic relationship. 

While a majority of teams have positive environments, there are many coaches and athletic trainers who take advantage of the power imbalance and use their power in a manner that can be detrimental to the athletes who are under their guidance

"The master manipulator took advantage of his title, he abused me and when I found the strength to talk about what happened, I was ignored and my voice was silenced." - Amanda Thomashow, Michigan State Gymnast who was abused by Larry Nassar