
Action Within the Fontbonne Community

Focusing on what I could do within my school community was extremely important to me. For some people, high school is the first time they are experiencing a competitive athletic environment. As a school committed to fostering the courage and competence of young women, I wanted to educate athletes about the signs of sexual assault and give them the necessary resources for reporting assaults and where to get help if they are affected by it.    

To educate students about sexual assault in athletics, I presented my findings during our school-wide social justice fair. I also spoke to many student-athletes and used different scenarios to test their knowledge and educate them on relationships with potential power abuse and sexual assault. At the end of the presentation, I handed out flyers with QR codes that led to the SafeSport training website, where you can find different training sessions and programs. 

U.S. Center for SafeSport 

"The U.S. Center for SafeSport is an independent nonprofit committed to building a sport community where participants can work and learn together free of emotional, physical and sexual abuse and misconduct."

Data provided by SafeSport on the types of reports they received from 2020-2022
Data provided by SafeSport on the actions being taken when assaults are reported