Themes of Catholic
Social Teaching

The 7 Themes of Catholic Social Teaching 

 This collection of seven themes is a part of Catholic doctrine that concerns human dignity and the common good in society. The main goals of these teachings are to address oppression and to inform others about social justice.

Life and Dignity of the Human Person

This theme highlights the importance of all human life being sacred. If society is called upon to uphold the dignity of all human lives, then we have to recognize that sexual abuse of any person is a violation of this teaching. Using positions of power, such as coaches or athletic trainers, to gain the trust of vulnerable athletes, then violating their dignity and abusing them is an infringement of their rights as humans.

"The good Samaritan recognized the dignity in the other and cared for his life." Luke 10:25-37

Rights and Responsibilities

Sports organizations all have the responsibility to protect their players and uphold a standard of safety. Sexual abuse is a violation of a person's dignity and well-being. Addressing and preventing sexual abuse is essential for upholding the broad spectrum of human rights. Protecting individuals from sexual abuse aligns with the theological perspective that sees the protection of life and dignity as of the utmost importance.

"Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute." Psalm 82:3

Option for the Poor and Vulnerable

As Catholics, we are called to help the poor, vulnerable, and marginalized. When making decisions as a society, these individuals can give input on situations and see what people in privileged situations might miss. The poor and vulnerable are also those with the greatest needs. Within my social justice topic, athletes, women, and victims are the vulnerable in this situation. We are called to make new laws and put in place procedures that protect these groups and prevent people from abusing their power.

"May he defend the cause of the poor of the people, give deliverance to the children of the needy, and crush the oppressor!"  Psalm 72:4


Solidarity allows us to help the poor and vulnerable through suffering with them and having empathy for them through their times of suffering. Having respect for all human beings helps us to stand in solidarity with groups of people that we may not have thought of before reflecting and realizing that we are all children of God. 

"The love of God in us is witnessed to by our willingness to lay down our lives for others as Christ did for us." 1 John 3:16-18