Social Analysis

Why is it important to consider Social Analysis relating to my topic?

Understanding social analysis is important and the history of Haiti is important because it provides the root causes of poverty and violence in Haiti. By having the knowledge and understanding of these root causes, it shows the impact it leaves on the people in Haiti as well as gaining insight on why these issues have been apparent for so many years. It is heartbreaking and sad how many years Haiti has been suffering and I feel like the world should be educated on what is going on. 

Social Systems and Social Structures


The corruption of the government in Haiti has not only affected the violence endured in the country of Haiti but has also given rise to poverty. The main factors are poor governance, limited employment opportunities, poor infrastructure, inadequate resource usage, and unending conflicts. These economic and political challenges are affecting the people of Haiti but also on a political aspect. 

Violence Against Women

Women and girls “as young as 12 face high levels of sexual violence.” This sexual violence comes from gangs to gain control and power over women.

LGBTQ+ Discrimination

LGBTQ+ communities face high levels of discrimination and it has given rise since the 2010 earthquake that happened. In 2017, the Senate passed two anti-LGBTQ+ bills that bans same-sex marriage and public support or advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights. These rights are unfair and unjust because it increases the stigma of homosexuality being an immoral or bad thing due to being a certain religion.