Social Analysis

The impact of habitat loss is driven by social systems. Animals’ habitat provides the species food, shelter, and other resources to live. The contributors to habitat loss are deforestation and urbanization for human activity. Their habitats are decreasing and face competition within, limited resources, and predation and diseases.

The mass extinction of endangered animals, the ones that are suffering are animals but in the long run are humans too. Animals becoming extinct is not beneficial for humans at all.  This disrupts our ecosystem. There is an imbalance, and losing many species is interrupting the ecological function. About 1 million species are on the verge of going extinct. If humans want to do things in our best interest, we should be protecting and preserving the animals. Animals cannot speak up for themselves because they do not have the free will or ability to understand and take action on climate change and more. That is why there are people in this world fighting to create change and protections for animals. Those people are the voice of God's creation needed. Animals should have to use their instincts to navigate the changes that are brought on to them by human causes. In many ways, climate change has a significant impact on species’ habitat and survival.